Bridge Troll

I thought the issue was they couldn't figure out where to put the testicles?

I thought the issue was they couldn't figure out where to put the testicles?

I think Les meant he was singing Portuguese songs while in David Bowie

I think Les meant he was singing Portuguese songs while in David Bowie

Is he hung like a horse?

You know who could learn from this guy, George Lucas.  You hear that George?  Huh?  Stop while you are ahead.  Not after you have created a decade of crap that nobody with a good opinion likes.

I am deaf in one ear… so I would give my bad ear to be able to listen to this in stereo… I wouldn't give my good ear, because, well, that would make no sense.

Maybe if you weren't such a f-ing (racial slur) and didn't love (term for the non-consensual love between a man and a goat) then you would be better at it

I just thought they were trying to protect their own ability to bully by bullying the bullying movie.

Is that how you justify all those trips to Singapore?

You should have sold your body first…

Is that the one where they try to teach kids the danger of racing supped up ricers and the Hulk's son kills his best friend?

Football player rapist?  Or is that redundant?

Most cars can go 120 mph…. so that is not really a good point.  You can get a Kia up to 120, doesn't make it have any form of panache.

So Sean O'Neal is exactly the WRONG person to cover this story…. do you have a sister?

No, they just want to see how far a major network can sink… Bravo, your ranking of #15 overall is in doubt, prepare to be #14 as NBC comes crashing down!

It all depends on what you think of when you look at a car… I look at a Honda and think soccer moms or rice burners…. their cars are driven by either people who wish they were old enough for a midlife crisis or are too poor to buy a fast car so they put an oversized muffler on and think now their car is bad ass.

Is NBC even relevant anymore?

Eh, it's better than the other vampire versus werewolf series, Twi-sparkle.

Our anthem is better than Canada's.. fuck Canada.