Dirk Calloway

I feel you.  My first year in New York, I went on an uncountable number of OKC dates.  None turned into relationships, some turned into one night stands, most turned into nothing.  Fast forward 2 years and I barely bother with it anymore.  When I do see someone on there that looks interesting, they never message me

The Kinks - House in the Country
Spoon - Who Makes Your Money
Steely Dan - Do It Again
Silver Jews - Tide to the Oceans
Atlas Sound - River Card

Are you sure?  Because according to this, you've seen just under 10000.


What, he butlered it?

I used to think the owner of this account CTRL+F'd every article for the word taco.  Snarktaco wouldn't hit.  Now we know the Taco Bell bell isn't lazy.  Or else he's Captain Dada.

E.Buzz Miller morphed into Dennis Miller so gradually I didn't even notice.

Sometimes I lament being more or less a poor person.  Then I'm reminded of what I would have to do to be a not poor person.  And then I'm ok with being a poor person until I forget about what I would have to do to be a not poor person.  And then I lament again.

It's "Lucas With The Lid Off".

Your boss sounds like a lovely person.

"Harvey Fierstein's Karl" should have been your first tip.

I prefer My Dinner With Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov for its pathos.

@Scrawler2:disqus I'm not a big Korine fan either but Spring Breakers is worth checking out for all the reasons that have been stated here.  No, it's not intelligent, the plot is barely there and every one of the characters is a cypher at best, but the mood and the visuals… weirdly enough, the one name that kept

"You know: Fish, chips, cup o' tea, bad food, worse weather, Mary Fuckin' Poppins, London!"

"You wanted to tussle.  We tussled."


Or Pork Roll.

I would subscribe to cable for that.

Now I would like an actual definition of "throwing shade".

I hope this album blows me off the face of the earth.