Dirk Calloway

I wouldn't refrain from that mixture in fear of OD'ing.  I would refrain because it would be suicidal to give up complete control of your mind and body in that environment and I am not that suicidal yet.

@avclub-e53fc2424af041d07a7eef5cd8773505:disqus A few blocks?  What is meth made out of where you come from?


I am apparently very very immature.

What inspires you, @avclub-70d31b87bd021441e5e6bf23eb84a306:disqus ?


I think you and I are dating the same woman.

No that was the ever-present football player/rapist.

I do, now.  I didn't before which is why I have to now. :(

Forget the condom.  Rawdog it!

It's not showing up for me.

@avclub-ae1fce81b4d2ff81d53a5efd791224d4:disqus You're the Sluggo of Westeros.

ElDan is the Beric Dondarrion of the A.V. Club.

I agree.  But also, why does Hall & Oates remind you of Real Genius?

Prepare to have your soul stomped.

@avclub-16ee5ea4bed04df347c1eab17d47d0b3:disqus Yes they are linked and extremely easy to jump back and forth from.  I don't miss the work of the fleshly version at all.

Of course!  Everyone knows Dennis Miller didn't survive into the 21st century.

35, look like I'm 25, act like I'm 65.  Live in Queens, work in Soho.  Work in marketing production as IT manager.  Have a West Highland Terrier named Ghostface and 2 roommates because you can get away with that here.  I'm very very lonely and very very bitter about my loneliness which only leads to more loneliness. 

Mine will still sound like a suicide note next week, unforch.

Britta'd it.