Dirk Calloway

No one is arguing against The Glow Pt. 2.

Don't feed the (anti-)troll!

I read this in the voice of Robert DeNiro from Meet the Parents.

There can be only… something.

Cheese hates rape.

I took a brave moral stand against Daniel Tosh long before the rape joke.

We should kiss and teach them a lesson about obvious.

Maybe it was a Hitchcock homage, considering the Grace Kelley comparisons with J.J.

Sure is.

Reminds me of the giant sentient adenoid in Gravity's Rainbow, but sexy.

I just don't understand anyone in this day and age who doesn't have the good sense to do a little research about the critical reception of movies before dropping upwards of $50 on a trip to the theater.  I have zero sympathy.

I'll figure out what it was by doing a something search.

Before or after 20 pages of people talking about food?

Man, I sure do jerk off a lot these days - 1993 Dirk.  Also 2013 Dirk.

Anyone who paid $13 to see the Internship only has themselves to blame.

I use my Deadwood bag of gold mined from a workin' fuckin' gold claim because I am beholden to no human cocksucker.

You pulled a real Meat Puppets II there, Boon.

Are you sure they're sons?  I heard they were pretty androgynous.

In your defense, it's tough finding a band located so far left of the dial.

I didn't like the characters and I didn't think it was funny.  Is that me hating on women?  Maybe, but it is what it is.