I finally got an O'Neal reference without clicking on the youtube link.
More specifically, writing a song that sounds like the kind of song Avey Tare would write, but younger Avey Tare, not Avey Tare these days.
Cephalapod-like breasts? Thanks. I'm gay, now.
With "Fingerback", Ezra Koenig managed in one song what Avey Tare couldn't in all of Centipede Hz.
Yeah, I think she kind of missed the point on this one.
I'm not hating or anything. I've just noticed that whenever your name pops up, it seems like it's to disparage the topic at hand. If I'm mistaken about that, I'll gladly apologize.
He just said his wife is all crudded up.
I've discovered that your contrary opinions tend to validate my own. In other words, you are always wrong about everything.
Better late than never.
I saw it in the theater and had no problem with it. I have a problem with that now.
I respect you too much to see you do this to yourself, O'Neal.
@Scrawler2:disqus I'm uncertain of what you mean.
For your sake, I hope this isn't true. For my sake, I hope it is.
@avclub-efac79b4253733c97def21651ba64a95:disqus You misspelled… well, everything really.
Forgot about and will give you that one.
Yeah? What happened to the other 2 billion?
I seem to remember having a sizable crush on Meredith Salinger circa this movie. Saw her again in something years later, realized she's a horrible actress, would still hit.
I thought his imitation was Bad.