
Ugh. There is a difference between Nick using a ziplock bag as a wallet in season 1, and Nick never paying his bills or even having a bank account. This man was a few semesters away from being a LAWYER. I feel like we're suppose to forget that these days.

I would agree, except Firefly is already my personal Firefly.

I could watch that "What do you mean?" sequence ALL DAY. ALL DAY SON.

Did Mindy really *earn* that sad montage ending, though? I remember the first time New Girl tried something truly emotional - the one with Nick thinking he might have cancer - and it felt natural and true to the tone of the show. This didn't. This just came out of nowhere.

Oh right! He can be in movies now! Hooray!

Same. I mean, I watched Ringer. RINGER.

I thought her fashion choices went from bold to bat-sh*t this episode. That pink-over blouse combo was not good, and long hair wouldn't have helped.

SUPER weird. I wish they would have at least shown Franco aggressively seducing Christina. Like, made it look like it was at least *his* (very drunk) idea, and that sort of character would have tried it sober too. But the creepy smile from her! WHAT!

Let's be real: ALL Breaking Bad fans wants to have sex with Aaron Paul while Bryan Cranston watches.

I knew it was too good to be true. Theon taught me never to believe.

What if Super Fun Night is good? The promos look horrific, but the profile in NY Mag on Rebel has me mildly intrigued.

I'm ALL IN for season 5 (sorry, just watched New Girl). But seriously, everything I've heard from Harmon in recent interviews gives me a lot of hope. He wants to make these characters believable people again, as opposed to cartoons, AND he wants to bring back John Oliver. He also wants to hive us a glorious collection

Morgan is still my very favourite thing.

We all tried the sweatshirt pants yesterday night, didn't we?


I dyed my own hair last night. I guess I'm having a crisis?

Agreed. He has the Winger forehead.

Apparently, the writers at GG were also going to start on a Dan/Blair romance before the strike. I'm really, really sorry for bringing up Gossip Girl.

This review gave me chills. Well done.

I liked this article, and this guy, but I was also 14 when this song, and their self-titled album came out. Thusly, I will always listen to it with a nostalgic fondness. I can't help it, even if I wanted to.