
When you play the game of thrones, you poop and then die.

Also, Schmidt has a big, beautiful loft across the hall! Send two, ANY TWO, characters over there, and this whole scenario would at least become moderately believable again. As it stands right now, these people are stunted and pathetic if all five of them remain in the same loft.

Yeah, that's true. It just seems strange to have her off camera for an episode, only to show up at the very end with "I found the truth!" Hoping you're right and they'll use her mysterious-ness for a more dramatic purpose in the next few episodes.

Couldn't they have gotten some tension out of Kalinda sniffing out Canning's lies? A tense moment in his apartment? A sneaky maneuver to get a look at his medical files? I'm not sure it would have been that interesting, but not a lot in this episode *was* that interesting. I would watch Kalinda sneak around all day!

Considering Owen was founder and acting captain of the Will/Alicia Shippers Club, his "get laid!" comments rang really false for me. He'd know better.

And here I thought I'd spend all day being pissed about HIMYM! Hope springs eternal!

It's just so utterly confusing. The finale was different in tone and messaging than the 200+ episodes that preceded it. If they wanted to tell a story about the pangs of aging, and working with what life gives you, then they should have told that story all along. But they didn't. They told a story about idealism and

What about Ed!?


Also, Chang's Boys gave me major "Hook" vibes. I don't know if that was intentional, but I liked it.

HURRAH! An episode in which Britta is the confident, competent, only-annoying-enough-to-be-endearing woman we all fell for!

Totally apt comparison in my book. They're going after the same demo, and the timeline of bringing the two leads together is almost identical. "Cooler" aired this time last year, almost TO THE DAY.

I will not complain about Danny in them jeans, and all those hands, and all that goodness. BUT, I think it was too soon. I do!

Gave me tears!

I want a loop of Coach saying "biiiiiiish."

Agreed. I found myself wishing this was strictly the Danny and Mindy Show last night.

That was the worst. She was so excited.


And the movie! Except whenever I rented it from the library, I also rented Witches, so it's tied to some creepy mouse-related memories.

This season has been PR's best in a long while. I've also cried, like, 4 times.