
Well this is awkward.

OK. We were introduced to the Brotherhood without Banners, and one of 'em rose from the dead. And then they weren't on the show anymore. So, SOMEBODY who was killed off this season has to be resurrected Lord of Light style, right? Right?

Shit. I love Nick Hornby though, so this guy and I will have to make peace.


Even as an 8 year old, I knew Aladdin 2 was an abomination.

All of these people are sick. Some of them attempt treat it properly, most of them don't. Physical sickness in Don's case is often a stand-in for the emotional, spiritual, and mental sickness Don/Dick has always had. Last year it was a tooth, this episode it's a cough.Both young Don
and old Don needed to see a *real*

Your dentist's name is Crentist?

…and Ted can fly her there!

…and that's why he's into Joan.

The Theon story forced me to break my vows and look up the book wiki on his character. I just couldn't stand the thought of more seemingly endless torture. IT'S THE WORST. That said, I won't say if doing that helped at all.

Yep. And it sort of inverted the "dead dad pass" thing from when Marshall lost his dad. Remember none of the gang would call him on anything?

When he delivered the "I'm sorry if I was selfish" line, it was the first time I went "there's Leo!" It's something about the way he sort of slurs his words, in a hot way.

These feelings haven't been around since early Jim-Pam days. We've got a ways to go before this deal is done, friends. Some one-sided pining, for certain. And remember Nick's cryptic apology towards future Jess early on this season? There will be pain (but so much pay-off) ahead! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.