
Twixt my nethers.

"All colours and creeds" eh John? True story: backstage at a live music event in Europe a few years ago, Kele Okereke from the middling British indie band Bloc Party approached John Lydon to express his admiration, and politely ask if there was any chance of PiL reforming. Lydon was abusive and contemptuous, and said

"All colours and creeds" eh John? True story: backstage at a live music event in Europe a few years ago, Kele Okereke from the middling British indie band Bloc Party approached John Lydon to express his admiration, and politely ask if there was any chance of PiL reforming. Lydon was abusive and contemptuous, and said

Yeah, Spirited Away is a beautiful movie, and probably more suitable for beginners than Princess Mononoke. It's a rare film that compels without resorting to conflict – instead of building to some kind of battle or conventional showdown between protagonist/antagonist, it has a little girl go on a long, strange train

Do please keep us up to date with your week-to-week opinions on a show that you don't like and aren't enjoying.

The stupid British B-movie Donkey Punch also used the Rex The Dog remix of Heartbeats to great effect in its opening scene. Actually, the music was the best thing about that film. Apart from the Donkey Punching.

Dubnobasswithmyheadman is a classic of the form, though best appreciated as what they call a headphone record I suppose. 

Woohoo! T In The Park! The lineup was shit that year though. 

Blitz is fucking balls-out atrocious, and genuinely jaw-dropping in its failures of coherence. Tasha was right – Statham's character is directly responsible for the actions of Gillen's serial killer, but he doesn't seem to know or care. This might have made for a pretty intriguing premise, but the movie doesn't

Ooh you can listen here: http://www.youtube.com/watc… (There are other links with footage of the actual performance but the sound is drowned out by the crowd.) Also, I just checked, and Stipe actually stood in for Yorke on Lucky.

Yeah Be Mine. I love New Adventures but I didn't quite pick up on the greatness of that song until Thom Yorke sang it with Mills, Buck, and Berry at some festival in the US when Radiohead and REM swapped lead singers for a few minutes. Can't remember what Stipe sang with Radiohead, think it was maybe Fake Plastic

Here we go again with the "shakycam" thing. Paul Greengrass is maybe the only director who uses this technique well, if technique is the word for it. He gives you all the visual information you need, and for all the camera movement he still makes all the spatial relationships perfectly clear. The setpiece fistfights

Yeah that's my favourite car chase too. There's a bit more dimension to it, in the sense that the "good guys" have just committed armed robbery, and the "bad guys" chasing them are comparatively lawful FBI agents, added to which the guy in the back seat is fucking terrified and the guy driving is practically jizzing

Actually, most of the early editions seemed to obey Orwell. But he's long dead, and I guess four numbers make for more manageable cover designs.

Patronising addendum: George Orwell specifically requested that the title of his great dystopian novel be written out in full as Nineteen Eighty-Four, as opposed to your lazy ass 1984.

Yeah, sure, "Coke". Look man, if you had to go clean up two seconds after Kat Dennings showed up, you can just say so. You're among like-minded people here.

The Hudsucker Proxy is certainly underrated. And so is Intolerable Cruelty. But I can't really get a bearing on your problem with Fargo. You're saying it was too muted, not ornate or stylish enough? Their "underlying humanism" was too plainly exposed? I actually think their view of humanity is pretty fucking

I always thought you could neatly divide Pop in two. Toss out the first half – or scratch the A side of the vinyl beyond repair – and you're left with a very strong and strange set of songs (Miami, The Playboy Mansion, Please etc).

Yeah that song Chocolate would make a helluva choice for lead-off single. I was as surprised as the narrator when he gets [SPOILER ALERT] poked in the eye with a cock. As for the rest of it, another fantastic Tindersticks record, if maybe not quite as great as Waiting For The Moon. They're as consistent as Nick Cave &

I agree with this guy, except I think that by the end of the series it has revealed itself to be a well-acted, nice-looking, dreadfully-written piece of shit. There's some good stuff in there but it turns out to be a complete embarrassment to all the talents involved, like a mordant school play written by a