
I liked the bit when some IRA heavies threatened to kneecap him, and he screamed …

The new Shearwater album. Or the new Burial EP. Opposite ends of the spectrum I guess, but equally appealing to hipsters. And, you know, fans of good music.

You say that "only so much cash can be stuck in the dancers' panties", but can you tell me how much exactly? It depends on so many variables – body size, panty size, denominations and condition of the bills – but it makes me wonder what's the maximum amount that can be stuffed in there before it begins to look

So you're saying that you want a typical action lead? Was it any less difficult to buy Matt Damon in that kind of role back in 2002? The series so far has been pretty much defined by left-field choices which turn out to be dead-on. And the thing that gives me  most hope for this is the increased authority of Tony

"Part of the problem with watching TV critically—particularly with watching a big hit show like Glee critically … " At the risk of sounding facetious, this seems like what you might call a "first world problem".

Sweet Jesus I am begging you, can we get a moratorium on the phrase "don't get me wrong" in the TV Club? Just a month without one of you using it? 

"Early 19th century film-making"? Does Scott Tobias mean "early 20th", or is the art of cinema a lot older than I thought?

Interesting that they dumped Laura Fraser from the part, doubly insulting to Fraser that Alex Gansa seems to think she is "English". Fraser is actually SCOTTISH. And I seem to remember that she lost the part in Collateral that eventually went to Jada Pinkett-Smith. Nae luck Laura

I read this headline first as Howard ZINN …

Come on now – Scott Wilson rocked the shit as the businessman funding all the carnage in The Way Of The Gun: "A woman needs security like a man craves approval."

And it stayed a trilby.

Let's also remember his superlative work as a drummer dying from canceraids, or whatever the virus was called, in Outbreak.

Fuck it. At the risk of self-promotion, I thought fans of Maggie Cheung might be interested in this interview I did with her a few years ago, in which she talked quite a bit about how that cheongsam dress sort of dictated her performance in this movie. I was a few years younger and a bit awestruck so please excuse the

Yeah the first film spells this out clearly too, so anyone actually watching and listening should understand the ending pretty well.

I do not enjoy the kinds of comments that follow these inventories, when people say "what about this one", "or I can't believe you didn't mention that one". But seriously, what about The Terminator? I can't believe you didn't mention The Terminator.

Bourne doesn't really kidnap Marie. He pays her a wad of cash to drive him from Zurich to Paris, and when things get all chasey, he suggests more than once that she should get the hell away from him.

This is a fantastic book. But it's fair enough to say it's all reverie, reference and atmosphere, with almost no plot. It moves at least as slowly as a zombie. Some people won't like that.

Same here. Maybe we were in denial at first, but now it seems so obvious that I can't believe we're still discussing it.

So we're saying that John Hurt would only agree to appear in Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull on condition of reading the script in advance, and even after reading it he still took the part? 

That's more or less what I'm saying.