
Extraordinary. You remind me of Donald Rumsfeld. You are creating your own reality. I don't hate you. I salute you.

No, as you well fucking know, you misspelled it "Sparke", then corrected it when you got called out. Your dishonesty does not help your credibility.

You misspelled Muriel Spark's name, Oxford boy. And I'm inclined to agree with other posters on here that all your higher learning hasn't taught you how to read or write particularly well. Given your preference for Margaret Atwood, I presume you think Atwood is wrong to admire Alice Munro as much as she does – she

Atwood couldn't write any of Alice Munro's stories either, as she has admitted herself – Atwood, like any good reader or writer, has repeatedly professed herself in awe of Munro's work, and would probably call you an idiot for thinking it "boring and small". Not me though, I think you're really bright.

Better by what standard? They do quite different things. But in terms of prose and character and whatever vibration is struck in the reader by great literary artistry, I'd say that Munro is the better writer by quite a big margin.

Not sure if this has been pointed out elsewhere in the comments, but the headline for this piece makes a common error that I was once corrected on in a casino. The proper term is "card-sharp", not "card-shark".

So the sensory aspects of autism aren't "physical"? Its effects on the vestibular sense, for example? And when you say "fabricated", do you mean you don't believe that Higashida spent years struggling to communicate through a patient assistant and a customised keyboard? That he doesn't now maintain a regular blog

Thought the non-linearity was a huge mistake, and actually confusing, given that sudden shifts in behaviour and little time-code inserts were the only indication that we'd jumped forward or back. Nothing at all would have been lost if they cut the thing to play straight through, or just used the Embeth Davidz bits to

Not sure if all y'all Americans know this but the "Philadelphia" scenes were shot in Glasgow. Those zombies are Scottish, and that's my building they're running past. Feel free to make your jokes about how these scenes are indistinguishable from any other Friday night in the city.

Nicely played, Bucky, although the last I heard of Lorna she was up to stuff that Jesus would not love her for.

It's my favourite of their records, and Tangled Up In Plaid is my favourite of their songs.

I first kissed a girl – like, properly, with tongues – at age 13, right in the middle of Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade. Missed the whole escaping-from-the-German-castle sequence and had to go watch it again the next day. But Lorna Robinson, where are you now sweetheart?

You need your head shoved into an amp at one of their gigs. You will love them or die, either is fine with me.

Saw them live in Buenos Aires last Friday night. They played 40 fucking songs over 3 and a half hours, with a long segment from Seventeen Seconds/Faith/Pornography that sounded pretty stunningly intense against the poppier stuff (and alienated huge swathes of the crowd who had come for Friday I'm In Love etc – the

I would go further, and say that this review is broadly and objectively inaccurate. It is at the very least misleading to suggest that Jamie XX's contributions to this album sound anything like "a mad scientist creating swirling, house-tinged beats". If anything, the rhythms are subtle and often barely there – as

I would go further, and say that this review is broadly and objectively inaccurate. It is at the very least misleading to suggest that Jamie XX's contributions to this album sound anything like "a mad scientist creating swirling, house-tinged beats". If anything, the rhythms are subtle and often barely there – as

Nah, there's no amnesia in this one. And I always thought that Bourne's problem was a sudden attack of conscience that short-circuits all the wires they messed with when they were training him.

Nah, there's no amnesia in this one. And I always thought that Bourne's problem was a sudden attack of conscience that short-circuits all the wires they messed with when they were training him.

Yeah. Apparently Tony Gilroy didn't wanna use it but he got outvoted. So that walking penis impersonator Moby recorded a new version for this.

Yeah. Apparently Tony Gilroy didn't wanna use it but he got outvoted. So that walking penis impersonator Moby recorded a new version for this.