
I'll admit the picture is a bit sexy. But smoking with wet hair? Gaaaaa… they're both gonna stink.

Attucks was the first guy killed during the Boston Massacre in 1770. People say he was the first, though armed conflict didn't start until 1775. Fair enough. But he wasn't a soldier, he was a civilian who got shot in a riot.

The Indian Army in WW2 did some heavy lifting in Asia, North Africa and Italy. And I would agree they don't get near the recognition they deserve for their part in the war. But there might have been about 1,000 Indian troops at Dunkirk. Could they have been shown? Sure. But not a major miss either. And the movie


I'll second him being the best thing in The Pacific. I don't know if that's considered a good Louisiana accent or not, but I couldn't get enough of it.

"Malek, who is of Egyptian descent, is playing a character who’s supposed to be Latino; whether this is a deliberate mind-fuck is unclear."

Wow. More amazing disguises. I can't believe is stopped watching this show

I believe he was raised Catholic. So an elderly lapsed Catholic Jewish coastal elite, the worst kind.

I know 2016 hasn't been great. And I hope Ms. Fischer will be ok. But let's keep things a little in perspective. Boxing Day, 2004:

I agree it's only one skill. But it's a REALLY hard skill. Most MLB pitchers are between 6'2 and 6'4, 200 or so lbs, with powerful lower bodies and arms that generate and withstand silly amounts of torque.

I think you're underestimating how hard it is to pitch professionally. Having the kind of arm talent to pitch in the Majors is about as rare and difficult as having having the size, strength and skill to play in the NBA.

The Church said Baptist. And only The Good Lord know what denomination "Preacher" is.

Is it a good Irish accent? It sounds like he should be complaining about everyone being "after me lucky charms" to me. Just grates on me. But if people who know Irish accents say it passes, I'll buy it. I will say most actors who aren't from the Northeast US (New York, Boston) who try to do those accents, accents

I'm not an expert on different Christian denominations. But it feels like just generic southern fried Evangelical Protestantism as portrayed by Hollywood mixed with a little Catholic, as most people have at least a vague idea of "confession" and have seen The Excorcist. I'm going to go out on a limb and say very few

I'm kinda liking the show. Maybe a bit on the fence. This description of "The Meatman" just pretty much completely put me off.

My assumption on Milan when he was submerged was that he would die and come back to life repeatedly in the water. Serge shot him twice and he seemed to die, or at least come close to death, and come back after a certain amount of time.

One thing that seems get overlooked a bit is how dangerous being around the Returned actually was. Even if we assume everything prior to modern times (first flood, Milan stuff, Serge) would have happened with or without Victor, we still had 20 cops straight murdered (I'm assuming they all didn't accidently shoot

The Returned, especially recently returned, were sometimes portrayed as being extremely hungry. Sometimes animals (rabbit in season 1, deer in season 2) were attacked. And there was mention of the dead police having been partially eaten. So it may have been something like that. Eating your mom's corpse is pretty

In an earlier episodes, there was a reference to some Returned still living in the caves who'd gone a bit feral. I assumed it was one of those. Why he was so nice to Adele, gots me.