
They were missing because they were with the returned in the domain (i.e. The abandoned neighborhood across the lake). No one knew where they were though, so they were listed as missing after the flood.

I'll bite. What's the difference? Is one Russian and one Polish?

I read it again. There is a flood. But the main characters are a married couple. The wife frees the husband. There's no mention of having visions or plagues of the undead. And in the show, neither Lucy nor Victor allude to another higher being they are either serving or escaping from. Doesn't mean there isn't

I like the water sprites theory. There was a fair amount of water imagery, seems as good a theory as any. I did read that story referenced though, and maybe I'm missing something, but the only connection I see between the story and the show is that both have water involved and that the story was briefly mentioned in

I'm guessin' yeah on being dead. I don't believe she killed herself, that rather when she collapsed looking for Nathan in the woods she died then. Earlier in the show Simon does look at her wrists and ask "why?". I took that as him asking about scars from her earlier (before season 1) attempt. But it's possible

- Nathan's the son of a "Returned" (Simon) and a normal human, Adele. Lucy believes Nathan is important to help the Returned go back to where they belong (afterlife? Water?). And she appears to be right, that a combination of Nathan and Victor is needed. But because of his nature, Nathan can not go back with the

I loved this episode.

Well, yes and no on the discovery. Berg and Jerome hiked over and found it pretty easily, along with all the Returned walking around in the woods. The soldiers never seemed to notice the Returned. But as soon as the Lake went down enough for the soldiers to drive across the Returned got outta Dodge into the woods.

I love this show, but don't even get me started on how there could be dozens of police/military and missing peoples' families looking, yet it took 6 months to find the giant sinkhole a few miles upriver, the bodies of the police officers in the woods right across the dam and the dozens of Returned living right across

I'll apologize for my post being confusing. When I started writing it, I thought, like the reviewer, people knew about the cult and choose not to allude to it at all, which I thought was a little contrived. But when I went back to look at a few scenes related to it, I realized Simon, Jerome and Berg are stating they

The reviewer does a good job explaining how such a revelation like a suicide cult that resulted in a couple dozen deaths remained pretty much unmentioned outside of a couple of vague references to "the circle" until now. But I'm still calling bullmerde. There were opportunities to at least allude to another tragedy

Going back to last week's conversation, I'll admit, Claire did look pretty unhinged at the beginning of the episode talking to an equally unhinged looking Jerome. And if I were the police/military there's no way I let Adele near that baby. But my theory that the cops at the end of Season 1 were manipulated into

I should say that Adele, otoh, is straight batshit and needs to be on suicide watch.

I agree the police is conjecture on my part. But I did forget the guy who shot Mrs. Costa who jumped out a window afterwards. That makes 3 suicdes and 1 more near suicide in Victor's presence. 2 of whom we know had violent hallucinations that seemed to cause their actions. Even suicidal Toni thought Serge was

I would agree that Mr. Costa and Virgil's parents seem like suicides due to fear/grief. But Julie's neighbor threatened to turn Victor in and then ended up stabbing herself to death after a visit from Victor, whom she didn't know was a returned dead person. Could be a coincidence, though stabbing yourself to death

Camille did say that. But several people have either committed or almost committed suicide in the presence of the returned. So while it appears to Camille that her mother just occasionally loses her shit and nearly kills herself for absolutely no reason, it's the presence of the returned that precipitates it. And

'"Sophisticated communication is a clear sign of war.” Again, the East takes no news as absolute proof of news'

" It apparently takes a day, but General Edel acts on Martin’s intelligence. He tells a superior or an ally or someone what Martin said, and the guy takes particular interest in how it happened."

I can't speak for the entire US viewing public, but among people who would watch shows on Sundance it's probably a reasonably well known word. The fact that it's in German with subtitles, now THAT will keep many people away.

Tobias did think he had evidence. He saw the decontamination procedure on the truck and heard that NATO headquarters was now on base. He, like the others back in East German headquarters, probably figured a junior officer like Martin wasn't in position to see the big picture and NATO leadership was telling everyone