dae giovanni

SUPER depressing. they will be my (rap) heroes until i die.

i was never a huge fan of B.I.G., but to deny his lyrical chops is NUTS.

hm, interesting point. i wonder if some of that is due to the subject matter. this obviously doesn't apply to all rappers/ groups, but hearing a middle-aged man talk about the crap that many rap acts fill their songs with would be a bit jarring.

well, point being that if the reviewer is going to care enough to note that he/ she is uncertain about the spelling, then it is a bit surprising that he/ she does not find a way to verify.

i first read that as 'Face Full of Widow'… not sure which is better…

GREAT call.

i don't remember a single thing about that movie, other than it featured The Rock. must have flushed it from memory…

1) a movie being three years old is not grounds enough to excuse it from being spoiled, so thank you for the warning.

enough cannot be said about the ending of The Mist. i much preferred the short story, except that ending.

sometimes the dumbest possible joke is the absolute best.


that scene with Chastain— assuming i am thinking of the right one— was tremendous. just… wow.

i wish i had four hands, so i could give possums four titties down!

ha! i love when the game fails to line up like in this example, or NakedSnake's.

true enough!

to be fair, fruit snacks ARE the bomb.

i'll show YOU in Belize…

Skyrim… always Skyrim.

Katamari Damacy remains one of my favourite games of all time.

i think you deserve more credit for that joke than you've received.