dae giovanni

so i just now got why i've been unable to buy into the sequel to The Walking Dead (as well as why i've been unable to play through it again)… well said, Joe.

*possible spoilers ahead*

*possible spoilers ahead*

i keep waiting for Tarantino to release a single-piece director's cut. i guess it's not gonna happen.  :-(

i keep waiting for Tarantino to release a single-piece director's cut. i guess it's not gonna happen.  :-(

hence the whole 'Dear Not Alan Ball show runner' opening…

hence the whole 'Dear Not Alan Ball show runner' opening…

thank you for saying this— it looked like Chelsea was shot in the head.  a little fast and loose, indeed.  i'm still not sure SSO's death was 'legal', either…

thank you for saying this— it looked like Chelsea was shot in the head.  a little fast and loose, indeed.  i'm still not sure SSO's death was 'legal', either…

nothing shall top Jason's request of someone to 'put it in terms a laid-man can understand'.

nothing shall top Jason's request of someone to 'put it in terms a laid-man can understand'.


Gren, let me offer a bit of assistance:

i cannot believe i read that.

did you have 'george wendt' written on the ceiling, or something?

Samuel, why didn't you just buy a 20-piece?

well… again, i think we are referring to couch *co-op*— looking at your mate's screen wouldn't offer any advantage since you're on the same team.

twogreat, i remember that quite well. maybe if'you'd hustle down the line like that, ya crybaby, you wouldn't have been out!!!

hi, We Want,
i think you may be missing something. when i say i'd like more couch co-op, i don't want to fight my buddy one-on-one; that's what fighting games are for.

joes vs…. oktober guard?
does anyone else pretend this game is essentially G.I. Joe for adults? you know, the version where joes *don't* jump out of the helicopter milliseconds before it explodes?