dae giovanni

you know, i can kinda see that… would maybe make more sense to be a New Yawker, being that it's US v. RUS…

"alright… come over here… no… HERE… and stand there. now, you have to be moving when i jump, so you can pull me up. ready? NOW! what? *sighs heavily* fine, i'll restart it… this time, start moving right when i say 'now' and jump right away. it might help to look down. so… okay, you ready? you sure, dude?

meh, save your cash unless you're an achievements whore.

it's as if the entire world is conspiring to make me go out and get a good set of gaming headphones…

you make some good points. i think one of the most useful things the BC2 squadmates for for me is let me know when I've killed an enemy.

i''m presuming you missed the beta/demo— drat. it would have likely told you all you needed to know.

yes sir or madam, i indeed do play on the 360. the only thing keeping that game from being singleplayer-only for me, is the chance to play as the infected.

i miss the brit? aussie? whatever? saying MOTION SENSOR AWAY!, except it was accented so it sounded like MOTION SENSA AWOY!

it's as if people want the game to play itself while you watch… but i'm pretty sure people would complain about that, too.

i thought the opening flashback sequence was rather cool…

my two cents? the singleplayer campaign is solid, but short: two days and you'll smash through it, including M-Con crates and enough collectibles to pop achievements. the final stages are super short… rather cool, but short. i thought the opening was effing amazing.

i don't consider L4D to be a cooperative game at all, really. i find playing it online to be a chore; it's devolved to little more than speedrunning thru the various stages. if you lag behind, you can pretty much forget about your mates waiting on you— better luck next time.

i too lament the death of couch co-op. failing that, why can't a pal and i get online from the same console?

what are you talking about? those games had storylines:


i mean, who wouldn't panic over having to deal with marcellus wallace, or giving said wallace's wife an adrenaline shot directly into the heart?

Sen. Ryu, you rock. if i have to explain why, then i rescind the compliment.

other= 'sodee'

maybe you felt all brain-melty because you drank all those pints? i know that would do it for me.

horses really are— d'oh!!!