edmund hillary clinton

Terrible news! You give, then you take away!

Weaver D was known for his oddball way of addressing customers - generally you'd get a low drawl of "Communication" instead of "can I help you" or "what would you like". Once I got a "you're beautiful" from him when placing my order.

The third ep of S1 is my favorite, but it introduces Moriarty, and how much you enjoy the next series really depends on how much you like this particular characterization of Moriarty. I am not a fan, so series 2 in general is a letdown for me.

I live in the south - we love our drawling!

Fuck, I totally missed that Marcia Wallace had died. RIP, Marcia - you were part of some of the best ensembles in TV history and the kind of funny broad that the 70s produced and embraced.

That is quite good. My friend made her daugher a Rosie the Riveter costume that included a cardboard cutout drawling of the poster as well. I thought that was pretty awesome.

I was going to make that same point - people forget that India is officially "Asian".

I didn't love all of Order of the Phoenix, but a lot of that was the film as a whole not living up to the knock-out opening sequence.

It is shocking to me that someone would call 3 the worst film. It's definitely top 3 for me, and certainly when it came out it was a sea change in the series - really markedly improved over the first two.

Thank you! 15 replies in and no one has yet made a "what is it with this town and Alta Vista?" joke? It's like I don't even know you people any more.

I always think of him as the USG worker blocking Melchik and Crosetti's investigation of the murder of a Chinese dissident in the first season of Homocide. RIP.

GO TIGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I make so much more money than what I ever thought I would and I honest to God have no idea where it goes.  I have co-workers with mountain cabins and expensive cars and I'm wonder how the hell do they afford that?

Yes - it's where they had the shooting at the Olympics back in '96.

When I first started running I thought I was going about 3 miles in 30 minutes - turned out it was much closer to two when I drove it.  I'm still doing a run/walk but since I am a Master's Runner (i.e. over 40) I've decided to give myself a break.  It still feels good to be able to go out and not have shin splints and


I should have scrolled down before commenting.  I don't know why I'm surprised by that.

There is a part in Let Down that just kills on headphones that I totally miss on my crappy stereo at home.  Some interlude during it that comes as close to a musical orgasm I can think of.

I was more confused by her complaining to Benedict Cumberbatch about his wig for The Fifth Estate.  Do actors do their own styling for films now?  Was this produced by my local Playshop?

I doubt I'll ever buy one, but I enjoyed trap shooting when I went for the first time recently and plan to go again Friday with one of my co-workers if we are still shut down.