
Jeez sorry about that!!!……….Ms. literal here….sorry.

I sense a "Wetworks" crossover…

Ya….the one co-starring Moi!!!!!

Tell me about it!!! But at least you didn't get caught eating your dildo with a Knife and fork!!!

Yep….as the Replacements said: Goddamitt!!!!

Totally agree…though it didn't bother me as much as LOST. Maybe because I adore Gillian Anderson…I want to eat her sox!!!!

They are busy dealing with Angel and his crew….

Or was it under the name Mike Hunt?

Hey…the bees were symbolism, reinforcing the fact that early SNL was way better than newer SNL….

Yeap…I vote for mythology too…But I did love the Genie episode best!!!! (I don't consider her a monster—-she was too cute to be a monster)

I don't know, I don't trust NPR reviews anymore…it seems like they are constantly on the defensive and self-conscious about being too "Liberal" and that self-conciousness is reflected in their coverage.

Hey, I think that's a good point…as long as they did it right. I might watch that, as long as they have lotz of Lady wrestlers…

Well in the gangs defense, this is before Scooby-Doo, and without that example of how to wrap up a compelling and challenging mystery in fifteen or twenty minutes they would be structurally handicapped in the clever-gang department…we all stand on the shoulders of Scoob' and the gang….

Maybe…but I still think it's clunky…but if she was wearing a poker visor I would find your argument more compelling…definitely…

I loved the first season, so I'm gonna watch this and keep my mind open (why does that strike me as a weird double-entrende?). When I saw the previews and saw it had Vince Vaughn and Colin Farrell though, I was almost scared off…I just find their stuff from the last five or six years so lazy and boring…but this could

That's gold! Comedy gold!

A conspiracy to genocide the Dinosaurs…and blame it on an innocent little meteor…The Dinos can be symbolic stand-ins for the romantic vanishing race American-indians…and those rising mamells with their "complicated" grey-matter (that tastes so good!!!—says T-Rex) as the fascist villians…the actors who played Joffrey

You have to find that 21st mile and make your own…

She wasn't married to the Boltons in the book….because that is stupid and just an excuse to have her raped…

Plus the Wire has the "Pogues"!!!