

OK— thanks for getting that song stuck in my head…oh merciful Sappho, now even the Flintstones version is manifesting it's evil tones…help me Vanessa!!!

"Used to be" riiight….I have news for you my short-peckered friend, in the Empire of lame you are God-Emperor…

And that 'Stache! That justifies a nipple-twistie at least!!!

Hey!!! First rule of Illuminati feminism plots….Dude!!!!

Not just names and titles! They have to tell their stories again…"Picture it…a Village in Dorne, Oberyn Martell strides into the town square…."

Queensmoot…it's Queensmoot…Team Asha all the way!!! Though if she doesn't become queen I wonder if she could be on my Roller-Lady Derby team—-blocking for Moi as I lap the Lannister team!!!

How true; I failed to take into account the heroic murdering of the children, beheading, rape and betrayal of his real family….the real tragedy is that he hasn't yet recieved his big Westeros Hero medal!!!!….what are they waiting for???? (thanx Obama!!!) I also realize now how deserving Sansa was of her rape…I mean

Your hysterical, defensive tone doesn't serve your argument at all, and when people start using whiny quasi-strawmen I think it usually indicates that they are just dismal idealogue engaged in some weird tautologous cultural war….in other words: Yaaaaaaaawn…..I am bored!!!!!!! It's only Tuesday, and I am already

I hope the very last scene is this huge group hug initiated by Wun Wun…just the way the Mary Tyler oore show ended.

Man, he is gonna have the strongest back in the world…

Who in that world is not struggling?

and drinks with Umbrella's in them!! One is called sex on the beach!!!

I figured it was cue cards…

Yes…."whatever you want to call it"….

Well could the difference be that Theon was more deserving of what happened to him? Has that occurred to you?

The Boltons are her people?

Oh my God this has been done to death!!! He didn't tell her until they were almost to Winterfell and she had no real choice…as if she ever had a real choice…he betrays her by forcing her to marry Ramsey—of course.

It was rather Lollipoppian from some angles…

Oh god, his sunburn in the summer Isles would be horrendous!!!! "Alliser of Orange" they will call him….