
Words they should welcome: "Daryll's takin' a shower!"

Yeees, her "yummy" little back-field

I noticed that as well, all of the respirators I have seen (which is maybe: two?) have a harddrive that creates a record. Also, there is a battery backup, and there is a switch in the back that also has to be toggled. Also, where I work we have cameras close to ICU, so you can see who the last person in the room would

Is French a race? I have always believed out heaven is the 1st Arrondisement.

I hope you are not referring to me Mon cher Coeur?

Wow, DanielIe just got done (successfully) representing a food-cart LLC on that very issue. Don't get her started on Libertarian issues however, she becomes feral.

Oh my god did you actually say that? You are working to hard.

Yes yes Green Bay, just a bunch of cheaters, them and Manchester United.

But you broads are lovely!

Oh my god, you made me laugh out loud!!! You idiot, now you are even copying my own words? You can't even think of a basic, original response to that? Are you possessed of a double digit IQ? or is all that crack catchin' up to ya!

Yes, you are…

I think in season one, when he is on the porch with the shotgun, protecting his daughters house, he is also tying and untying knots. That's one of those little details that I love in the Coens stuff.

Well I guess my girl answered for me…deal with her!!

I was thinking that Ted Danson was going to be gunned down there. I was like: "Oh, no!" But I suppose KC knows what they are doing.

Floyd went from changing the diapers, to making the dough.

You know mes cher, the first letter of the first name, period, followed by the surname, is a French thing, you are not French! Do you have French envy however? Hmmmmmmmmmmm

well analyzed, you are right!

The ending was so sweet, I just love Louise.

I guess….you are making less and less sense, Êtes-vous toujours ce ennuyeux?

So now you do care…just like I told you in the first place. Well you are easy to manipulate, soon I will have the title to your car. Or is your transportation a wheelbarrow that a little kid pushes you around in, because you are too drunk to walk?