A responsible "adult" who wastes time insulting people he hates (for some reason) on a website…I think it more likely that you are a psycho druggie or alcoholic.
A responsible "adult" who wastes time insulting people he hates (for some reason) on a website…I think it more likely that you are a psycho druggie or alcoholic.
I am vicious, positively fierce!!!! Grrrrrrrrr….
Jesus, I have to be on call on a Sunday and you are just boring me, someone have a medical emergency!!
Oh yes, I'm sure you are quite the responsible adult! And humble!!! Keep telling yourself that.
But you do care what I think…obviously, you envy people you think are like me, which is why you hang out at the AV club. Let me guess, I bet you are also homophobic?
Ooooo I haven't seen the GN yet, I will have to check that out!
You may be hip and just not know it. That is very hip indeed.
Elle est une déesse!
Ya, fred can be a bit much sometimes.
Yes, but how are we ever going to break into that field without some encouragement…we just need a bootstrap!!! (and a gun too…a gun would be nice with that bootstrap)
No, I know I actually lived there for a year or so when I was a teenager, and there are some very cool parts of NYC. My girlfriend is a Minnesotan however (doncha' know!) and she is totally Homer about the city—however she loves Paris!! which surprised me.
Yes, definitely agree with you about the resemblance. kind of wish they had went with her "Witchery" I thought the explanation of her powers in the comics became pretty interesting.
Yes, I hope they don't just leave it with: this is just a part of her dark Coen "wackiness". I wonder if the shoe I the tree will have any significance at all?
"Wimps and social shut aways."???? Have you heard of the Hyphen? Don't write while doing your crack. Wait that would mean you can't write at all. Waning, in more ways than one.
Ohhhhhhhh…..a tough guy!!!!
No, it wasn't. You start out as a "White Knight" or a duplicate alias account defending an idiotic comment. Then cry about me "whiteknighting"? Soooo what? And why should anyone care what you think? What is the point of you? You stumble over from Brietbart, or some other conservative rectum-hole and shame your…
Ohhhh..sux to Jezebel!
Like Mother like daughter…
Kirsten Dunst is such a natural beauty! I hope her character gets a little more depth than was in this first episode; although do sense that there is a wonderful Coen sociopath in her.
What's really cute is that you are spending the waning years of your failed life in a place you say you hate, writing to people you maintain that you despise.