Hey…is your last name Rodriquez?
Hey…is your last name Rodriquez?
Some good points, but the show doesn't just show public reactions…I've been a little disappointed by how the show does just gloss over the emotional impact of not only Sexual assault, but all kinds of trauma. Reek, is an exception however) I think in the books he did a real good job in that regard with the magi, or…
It's time to paaannnic!!!!!!
I dribbled my basket ball last sunday…but my GF beat me in H.O.R.S.E
That horrible scene did fit with the tone of that movie…which was even more horrible than that scene. A movie that need never be viewed twice…
Or just finding a place to shit period….god it would be a nightmare!! I have to go in my house, not at work, a restaurant, or anywhere else, it's gotta be nice and safe at home where I can re-read GOT, so I can just trash everyone on this comment board!! I wonder why they haven't made a horror movie about not being…
I stuck with it longer than that, what I really got tired of was the lame-ass gunfights, kidnappings etc etc etc…number one you would think a bunch of tough bikers could hit something other than the ground with a machine gun…number two…well I just gotta go do a number two, so I really got nothin' other than that….
Well jeez we haven't had the Republican primaries yet, give it time…
Oh you sweet innocent Shaggy boy, I hope you never know…
Who the fuck asked you, you asshole!!!!????? Hah……..just kidding shag…but jinkies!! you are totally right about my powers of reasoning…that is why U MUST WORSHIP ME!!! Touch my monkey!! TOUCH IT!!!!!
Sorry?…that was gold!!! Comedy gold!!!
True, "Whiff-Waff"…it even looks like it could be his name…Mr. Whiff Waff…
Thank you Mr. Rickles…
What, her bed's not good enough for you old man????
"Sansagate"? What moron thought of that?
Oh…..you ass!!!
Well their House motto is the family that flay's together….
Taht's gold Derp! Comedy gold!!!!
God yes!! Especially that F'n Onion thing. I had to switch from IE to Firefox to make it tolerable.
I totally agree, this episode really stood out for me. Especially since it did not portray Sansa as a little twit who would actually trust Theon, but as a player in her own right, who hates Theon and will gladly use Reek. Her statement that she would have done the same to him as Ramsey did was really well done.