
Oh Disgruntled Goat…do you ever not speak the truth?

Well Theon used to be "kind of a dick…"

I think they should let him and his father go back and forth more, some of those little beats with his father earlier this season when he would get that little worried look were funny.

Well it is irritating when another kid wears a backpack over the shoulder just like you do!!! (And that is what it sounds like when DOves Cry)

Ya but wasn't Archmaester Thurgood a notorious drunk?

Is there a possibility that Sam could be a part of that list somehow, as a big surprise moment? They seem to be spending a lot of time with him, and on a regular basis. Of course that could be just to maintain the "everyman" kind of perspective.

I really hope, at some point in this series, they make a white walker who looks like Teddy from Bob's Burgers. They don't even have to make it talkative or anything, but they definitely do need a little Teddy hat.

Ya, that is some wonky criticism. If anything I thought this episode was maybe the most well-executed that they have had since the first season. Even the Sansa arc, which they usually screw up, was well done, and actually made sense this week.

He does have an attitude that guy. The motherly woman thing is an ancient plot device, true, but I thought it made sense in this context, and I thought they executed it well.

Hah…you said tit!..and then illating…

Burned lungs…..ewww…that would be almost as bad as showing that priest (or whatever he was) naked.

Ya, that voyage, and Tyrions progress reminded me of that old joke, by that one guy…(you know…that guy) who said he had a map of the world; it's scale is one mile equals one mile. It felt like it took as long to read about it, as the actual journey took.

Hah! we had to google that! That's bad! (or is it strangely tingly? I can't tell…)

Oh relax yourself you dick, if your going to be a bitch then don't cry when you receive the same attitude back. The statement was about Sansa's POV (as you are well aware) not the omnipresent view of an author/reader/viewer. Though even from that height the heroification of Theon is idiotic. Sansa has not been present

I always thought those slap fights on the three stooges were excellent!!!!

I have been hearing rumours that some of the Greyjoy actors are cast for next season (oops…see Willrob2(twice as cool as that schlep willrob1) below)

Weird, that's one of the first movies I can remember seeing. Mr. Thekid looked so much like one of my white trash cousins that when I first saw the movie at age 6 or whatever I thought it was actually him and he was an actor. And the Frued guy reminded me of another pervy cousin. Please never mention Mr. Thekid or

Yes I feel he regrets it. I thought it came across in several different beats throughout the series when he interacts with his sister/lover and seems to want to be father/adviser to them. Most clearly right before he goes to Dorne to rescue Myrcella.

Don't call Gilly a cow…gahhh!!!! some people!!!!!

Jinkies Shag!! You found me out!! It must be these stupid white shorts we have to wear, and their propensity to moisture-stain!!! (which is actually a real-life issue) However, I will have you know that in what I call my circle of pain, I am the one who does the slapping around (hah—that's a joke!!)