
I am going to assume that by "bedroom arts" you mean really high-end fancy maid stuff…you know like mint on the pillow stuff—-because I am a good girl (unlike those darn sand snakes who are just soooo bad!!!)

That former NYC Mayor John Lindsey must have really got around, I'm always hearing about people he gave the crabs too…Kissengers wife too right? And Maggie Trudeau?

What episode is that? Are they yummy? Bathing suits or something like that?

Well for god's sake Tyler…you have to read the warning tag!!!

Oh definitely, it has no significance at all, sorry I lost control and made such an outrageous comment…

Are you sure there not from Hot Topic?

I feel the same way, the story is kinda cheesy, but as long as they don't make it intolerably stupid I will stick with it just for the atmosphere and the actors.

Are you kidding I found the table tennis engrossing! I really thought Dorian was gonna make a comeback there…but then he had to kiss her….

I get what you are saying….but I just don't get the attraction to any guy, all heavy and lumpy. Now Vanessa on the other hand…she is yum yum.

That was cute…Eva Greene is so adorable! Orange Sherbet push-ups are my weakness…and we live just a few blocks from an Ice-cream shop…ah the Nightcomer temptations…so evil!!!

You know they could have spanked her with that cricket paddle too….just sayin' I mean they are evil!!!

No, I don't think it has jumped the shark. Like pretty much every movie or shoe today it is wildly implausible in it's execution (and never explains, or even seems to notice them) but it has so much more going for it that I see the implausibilities as a minor distraction.

I think that is right, but they did have pre-made clothes to serve as a model for the hand-made ones. I think there is some witty story about Jenny Jerome in regards to that….but I am too lazy to look it up. Also, I am sooooo booooored! God I am boooored!

You mean the Fonz and Pottsie hooked up? Cool, we will have to find that ep on HULU, is this b/f or after they jumped the shark?

Vanessa met Brona last year, correct? So there will be a big thing when they meet have dinner?

Stannis is so cool!!! If I were on a march in the middle of winter to try to take a castle I would also take my game boards with me!!!

Ya, what a surprise, Theon turned out to be untrustworthy…but there were so many reasons for her to trust him!!! That was a grand plan…

And water-parks!!!

Wouldn't he get more selling him to Cersei?

90's is the new 70's!!!!