
Could be, maybe they will clarify it with the ol' translated from Hebrew Aramaic, Greek Latin, etc thing….I think chewing tobacco guy looks like he might know an Ancient Language or two. But you are right that does seem like a suspicious number to use if it doesn't have some significance.

I will have to check out Rectify

That sounds plausible, but why would the totals be different? Why not just make 144,000 disappear?

Oh god…that sounds execrable…

I thought Lily Taylor did a good job, but you are right. I kept watching it, thinking it would get better but it actually got slightly worse as it came to an end, waste of some really good talent.

That's true they left it a bit ambiguous…is he gonna be like Jack's dad in Lost, I wonder?

Oh that's not a good sign. It seems irresponsible to have the mystery at all if that really is the case. They did pretty much do that with Lost however, so it wouldn't be surprising if it also doesn't happen here.

Those are excellent points. Especially the social-justice du jour point. That is really troubling because it can be so stifling to creativity, I think media that tries to please everyone just ends up as stale and bland. Also, as to the reviewers; how much of that do you think is careerism? Do many feel the need to

Totally agree, and the actress just does not do a good job with her cliche', sometimes I don't mind a cliche' if it's really well done (like Liam Neeson in nearly every movie he had made in the last decade)

Hey I like your dimensional shift theory, that would explain a lot, and it seems like it would give a writer a lot to work with.

I was going to say that…but he's not a teenager anymore right?

Ya, so far I like it alright, I'm expecting more from it however, I hope it gets better, better characterization, get rid of a few dull characters (ya, I mean you, sleazy high-school girlfriend). It is a nice change of pace that it isn't resorting to a lot of cheap prurient interest sex crap to entertain (hello,

I see, so rapture is still on the table. That does seem to be kind of an obvious answer to the big mystery, or is it some kind of twisted rapture where the angels are looking for bad-ass foot soldiers in their war against lucifer, because that would explain why the cast of "Perfect Strangers" was raptured.

Yes, through the window left wide open in the middle of winter.

If those are not insufferable teenagers, then what does an insufferable teenager look like?

You think they are handsome? I think they just look kind of weird, but men aren't really my thing. I agree about the son killing the agent, it was supposed to be powerful or something (we know that because everything went improbably quiet and still for a few moments) but I was just kind of Bleh about it, mane because

I agree with that. That silence thing is working for me. Who would have thought underlining a word on a big legal pad could make a person seem so irritating?

Hey…you are right, I don't believe I have seen booby one on this show (yet)…

True story: I knew a guy who instead of punching one of those Penguin like things, poked a hole in it with a pen. That penguin will never get up. He (the guy) went on to achieve great and mighty things, not unlike Alexander after he cut the Gordian knot.

That was a cool little scene…