
By the standards of albums generally, yes, but I think it's one of The Who's weakest albums.

Someone please mention Urge Overkill

Well I'm pretty sure we all saw that coming

Yea, I missed that bit, my bad.

Who by the Numbers is a masterpiece?

Nick Cave's entire solo career isn't as good as The Birthday Party.

I don't have a great stake in the Melvins musically but I found this line amusingly arrogant:

I dunno, much as I love The Birthday Party, their split feels like it happened at the right time. Mutiny and Bad Seed have some great songs but you can hear the decay.

It's named after a place in Panama, ironically

By Cornishman, you mean Englishman, right


I know a guy who became an atheist because of some Tool lyrics. As a lifelong atheist from four generations of atheists, hearing that made me want to become a christian.

I'm pretty sure John Maynard Keynes would fearlessly denounce the Star Wars sequels in favour of the original films, thus establishing his originality and unwillingness to bend to popular opinion.

When is Brian Peppers gonna get his own band, speaking of Ohio celebrities

"The Denzel" makes me think of Homestar Runner.

OK, you've got me there. My ancestors came from Portobello, so they haven't spoken anything Gaelic for at least five centuries.

It's quite possible to have a lot of Scottish ancestry and have no ancestors who spoke Scottish Gaelic. The language's role in Scotland has been exagerrated and the role of Scots downplayed, mostly because Celtic stuff is fashionable.

Well, Scots was certainly a different, although closely related language. But Scottish English? Naw.

You failed your Gaellic Languages skill check. It's pronounced "Rees", not "Rice". The Cymraeg is angered. Role initiative.

I know that those companions were made canon but that doesn't necessarily bring everything that happened in the audio adventures is instantly canon.