
I honestly thought that you were making an ironic comment about how "Bald black leader law enforcement guys" are often interchangeable in pop culture.

I think really the only reason there's two of them is that it'd be unrealistic to have only two crappy detectives.

I think that physical therapy scene is literally the first time we've seen Gina discomforted by something another character does, not vice versa. Usually she's the one freaking people out.

They can't get rid of their token white male!

I have to say I found this backstory development a bit forced? They didn't seem notably close. In fact didn't Peralta say he only knew three things about her, and one was that she had a shower in her apartment?

The problem with Gina/Chelsea is that she's the "weird one" in a show that is generally more on the realistic comedy side of things.

Ironically, one of the politicians whose ultra-strict and xenophobic reading of the constitution prevents people like Ted Cruz from becoming President is… Ted Cruz.

Having read a few interviews with Offerman I'm not entirely convinced he wouldn't take abolish food stamps either.

Basically the same as I do about the constitutional monarchies.

I think part of this is that most of the reverence directed towards the President is in their role as Head of State, first representative of the nation, etc etc, which of course in the UK is fulfilled by the Queen. While British PMs have edged towards a more Presidential style in the post-Thatcher era, they still

Yeah, you're right, they are being unrealistically precious about it. But I'm pretty sure that is the lesson that has been learned - I.P = profit, so don't squander it.


Well, legally, neither is the contemporary German Chancellor.

I think they're worried that if a movie-worthy character appears in SHIELD and isn't well received, they're effectively cut out of a film - since the film will be too cram-packed to spend time re-establishing or redeeming the character.

Do you really think a RL President Swanson wouldn't be horrible? I mean, do you think people don't really need food stamps?

Bismarck was indeed ruling Prussia, and subsequently Germany.

Every generation tends to regard itself as uniquely cynical.

The thing is, they are obviously being very conservative about introducing popular characters from the comic universe because that would lock them out of potential future film franchises. The idea of SHIELD is that it's supposed to draw viewers without having to burn up any precious I.P.


I thought the line was "tomatoes like bowling balls"?