
Not sure that the audio adventures are canon, though.

Because plot.

They told humans she was his granddaughter, but it's far from established that was actually the relationship.

She may not have technically been a Time Lord but she seemed to have all the same abilities and traits of a Time Lord, including ability to fly TARDISes and regeneration.

So the Doctor should only have romances with other 1500+ year olds?

It saddens me deeply that people now view Doctor/Companion sexual chemistry as a necessity.

Apparently his wife had to gently remind him that she was Jewish when he'd go off on an anti-semitic tirade.

It's amazing to me what a large demographic there is who will get wildly enthused over "Lovecraft+(anything)".

He's legally required to do so.

Leo's a better actor than Johnny, but Scorcese is a better Director than Burton by a whole order of magnitude.

English is actually pretty hard for Japanese people to learn.

Elliot Morris read this comment and then went and had a good cry.

As long as it's not some American!

He may not be presenting himself as pro-American, but the whole idea is that he would use his position of power to push for detente, even if on purely cynical/pragmatic grounds. And an energised anti-American faction would be an obstacle.

The Liberators were a very 2006 idea, anyway.

Oh, I thought you were talking about Le Carre's books, not the TV adaptations of them.

Javadi killing his wife was the closest thing to a fuck up they had.

The writers have made their use of Le Carre as an inspiration clear in various interviews.

It's often the case that people continue to be referred to by their previous highest office. Obscure but relevant example, the current NZ ambassador to Washington is a former Prime Minister, but state department officials still call him 'Prime Minister'. Former Presidents are still called 'Mr President' even though

I think she just panicked.