
In addition, if the whole point of Jivadi being a mole was to reconcile the USA and Iran, won't having an important Iranian official being assassinated by an American just fuel the fires of the anti-American faction?

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. This felt like closure.

No Top of the Lake?

Tēnā koe, bro.


It was less an idea than a regrettable necessity.

You know, I liked The Thick of It as much as the next guy, but Peter Capaldi has actually appeared in roles where he didn't swear constantly. Dozens of them.

Maybe, but it's been confirmed Clara will be in the next season.

'Executive Producer' is one of the most meaningless titles in film. I don't mean meaningless in that Executive Producers are necessarily wastes of space, I mean that the title literally has no meaning. Some Executive Producers just hang out on set for a couple of hours and get an EP credit, some guys basically run

So I guess for the good of the world we should concentrate all the world's nuclear power plants in non-hierarchical countries, right?

She was a field agent, but the incident at the very beginning of series one where she busted up the Iraqi prison got her chained to a desk. She has field experience, though.

Isn't Damian Lewis contracted for another two or three seasons?

Even a state like Iran doesn't have the security manpower to drill every single foreign visitor.

As Andy says, there's a degree of Francophilia in Iran, but French isn't a local language.

While the average Iranian may not be a fan of their government, I don't think they have a sincere love of America, either.

North Korea?

I assumed they were SEALs.

That's my point - it's called the 'Galaxy Eater' but it's pretty clear from the dialogue that it will only blow up Gallifrey.

That's not the Cabinet, that's a collection of UFO experts.

It's not actually stated she automatically assumed the office of PM at the end of the episode. I presume that, when the PM was confirmed dead, the governing party had an internal election to chose a leader and picked her. (Or maybe she took a few years to rise - the timeframe's not super clear)