
Oddly, the 'Night of the Doctor' seems to validate this impression. The girl in the spaceship didn't seem ready to draw distinctions between the Time Lords' nutbar leaders and the rank and file either.

I always presumed we were only seeing the British branch of UNIT. I believe that in Battlefield there were some non-British members.


It's amusing that they build the Moment up as the greatest most terrible weapon that could never ever be used, and what does it do? Well, we never see, but apparently it was going to blow up Gallifrey. That's fairly impressive, but for a race that can literally travel through time, it seems a bit underwhelming, and

Whoops, you beat me to my point!

I was disappointed that the Time War, which had been built up to be some kind of mind-blowing meta-war fought by two time travelling species on a level that mere mortals couldn't comprehend, where casualties would involve whole chunks of casualty, just turned out to be a bunch of guys in camouflage pew-pewing at

Politically, this story doesn't make sense. With the PM's death, leadership would fall on the Deputy PM, wherever he is, not the most senior politician who happens to be physically present in Westminster, as the story seems to suggest.

Yeah. It seems naive to think that this show is going to really explore the Marvel Universe, as opposed to use it as a jumping off bed for an otherwise generic paranormal-procedural show.

A Russian guy once told me that proper vodka should taste a bit like black bread. He says that the tasteless stuff that's popular in the west is overdistilled. He might have just been trolling whitey, but there you have it.

The Oatmeal made a thing about it, so…

Yes, agreed. When I saw him appear, all sorts of wonderful emotions filled my head.

Hey you guys I know that when I found that magic lamp I should have asked the genie for world peace or infinite wishes but the draw of an Arcade Fire music video that somehow involved Seinfeld was just too great.

Not many people in Cardiff have an accent like Billy Piper's.

Sadly not a show with a very high profile in the US.

Everyone was great on Broadchurch, really. But, yes.

The rejoicing when RTD announced he was going to leave and be replaced by Moffatt was indeed pretty epic. How could Moffatt go wrong, people asked? How could the guy who wrote "Blink" be a less than incredible showrunner? HOW INDEED?

I used to think of Gatiss as a pretty poor Dr Who writer, but Cold War really worked, so maybe there's hoped.

That would be great, but he probably won't. I mean, RTD hasn't stuck around.

I dunno, remember the whole 'monsters in the wifi' thing? I remember Moffatt talking up how scary that episode was going to be, and it wasn't.

You must be feeling pretty clever right now!