
Look forward to Matthew McConaughey levels of extreme weight loss now that you have contracted a fatal disease.

They were looking at all the excessive scenery they had and they needed someone to come in and chew it, so they called Sir Anthony. He reaches Nick Cage levels of crazy in it and I love it.

no, Big Trouble in Little China is definitely better than Annie Hall.


I don't think Hulk counts. But I would have it above Incredible Hulk and Iron Man 2. Maybe even over Captain America.

I forgot all about that. Time to rewatch Season 3.

Quick! List your order for Marvel Movies Best to Worst!
(Only the MCU movies. Sorry X-Men and Spiderman and Fantastic Four)

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away there were laser guns.

Gah! beat me by a minute.

But when will they finally bring in Greendale's most famous Alum Luis Guzmán? Now that I would be excited for.

I mean, the title of the 3rd Rock episode is "Gobble Gobble Dick Dick" How can I not vote for that?

Seems a bit extreme, but maybe I should call my lawyer and see if these are solid grounds.

Not only is he alive he is still fresh, dropping some verse on the new Daft Punk album.

Yeah, that's pretty much along the lines of the joke I was going to make.

Quick Change. That's a great movie.

You would think that after all these AV Club articles talking about how great this movie is that I would eventually get around to rewatching this fine film. I never do though. Perhaps I need 33 years to finally change my behavior and watch it.
One thing holding me back is that MsJoe10 isn't a big fan of it. Her

Please let them kill themselves to save us from a third one.

Month of May is probably the only song I like on The Suburbs. Maybe Sprawl II.

The Coda is the only part of that song I like, which is why I hate the Unplugged version as it is totally missing. Also yes, that Goodfellas part is so good.

I do feel some 90's nostalgia kicking in and now I want to watch all three films. As a 12 year-old I loved the 1st one so I Imagine that it will have held up the best.