
The Ocean Blue at #3? That's surprising to me considering Just about every other song there was and still is ubiquitous on modern rock radio whereas I like that song, but don't recall hearing it that much then and I certainly don't hear it much now.


I never really heard about how awful the world thinks TMNT III is. At the time I thought it was a better movie than the 2nd one. I guess my expectations for the series was so low or nonexistent that I thought it was decent. It's not like any of them are good by any movie standard means. Also, Corey Feldman is always

Some genius made a Sequel in Webcomic form.

Drugs and Alcohol, eh? I ought to try those, as I remember just about everything on this list.

I like III better than The Secret of the Oooze. What a piece of crap that was. Mostly due to the guest spot of Vanilla Ice.
I liked taking the turtles to Feudal Japan. It was a fun idea. Plus April looked cute in it.

What I heard was that they wanted him on set in whatever Jungle they were filming in, just in case they needed some script doctoring, so they gave him a small part. Anyways, he's pretty fucking amazing.

Ugh all that nose touching is so annoying. I just want to break his fingers.

Sometimes is one of my most favorite songs ever. I find it so beautiful that it makes me tear up a little.

I know this song. I don't remeber it from 1994 radio though. I remember it from the Muzak station of the groceyr store where I used to work. It's not bad actually.

Kids, Let me tell you about that time I met this man from Nantucket…

Piper Pair-A-Boobs

I loved this movie when it came out. I was 14 or 15. I really don't know if I have seen it all the way through since then. I know I caught a bit of it on TV a few months ago and it seemed dated and silly. The kid really is annoying.
I appreciate this article because it gave me the trivia that Shane Black wrote The

The joke being why the fuck a kid would go see Amadeus.

and the rest will follow. Those were some sexy ladies in that video.

The pain was enough to make a shy bald buddhist reflect and plan a mass murder.

Now I would like to see a movie based on Jon Stewart's Letters to Mother Teresa from Princess Di found in his Naked Pictures of Famous People book.

"Gary Numan's "Cars"
"Here in my car I feel safest of all…"

What's this "Cameron Diaz Thing?" I'm genuinely curious about it.

I don't think Smiths fans count.