
Trolling and firsting. You can go to bed tonight satisfied.

Where does Ben Reilly fit in?

I was like GWAR again when it premiered, but then they sequed into "Baba O' Reilly" and I was like. Yeah, OK, you got me. But yeah, I thoguht Basia Bulat was the most unique and interesting and great cover this year.

I really loved 1602 when it came out. I haven't returned to it since though as I am too lazy to pull out the issues. That's the same reason why I never go back to The Preacher. I should just get them in Trades, but I already own them dammit.

You're both right!
Also, how about that unimaginative Stan Lee? All his character are located in New York City. What's the matter couldn't think up of a fictional; big city a la Metropolis? Loser.

The "Reverse Shocker" for extra shock value.

When will people learn? Democracy just doesn't work.

Unfortunately each episode will follow the same format. Robeast Arrives, Guest Stars try fighting it individually and are outgunned, Guest Stars form Voltron fight a bit, Voltron forms Blaing Sword and Robeast is chopped into 6 pieces.

Did this special really cause nightmares for so many 80's children? I would have been 7 when it came out and I clearly remember watching it numerous times. Hell, just rewatching recently after 20 or so years and I remember nearly everything about it. I didn't think it was scary at all. I did love it though.
I have to

Nowhere near, though I think I have heard that about the DuckTales movie on 4th of July. I only ever saw it in the movie theater. I thought it was good. Is that available on DVD or streaming?

Jaden Smith?

Stanley Kubrick?

We got fun and games.

With songs "You gotta be Joking" and "It's So Absurd." So metacommentary on the art then.

Yeah, the anmimated one. I don't know about that VHS. I think it just used to be on television every Halloween. Along with Charlie Brown, Garfield and so much more. Hell, I get nostalgic for the old McDonald's Halloween commercial.

Halloween is inherently a silly holiday of fun and dress-up. Sometimes all you want is something that provides Halloween style fun. I've never seen Hocus-Pocus but I imagine that is what it supplies.
Personally my favorite Halloween-time move is Disney's Legend of Sleepy Hollow

I'm in the same boat. Kids stuff and camp don't mesh with angsty teeanagers.

The damn Red Sox have two Championships ever since they broke their "curse" and yet here sit my lowly Indians with still nothing since the "Curse of Chief Wahoo"
Boo I say! Boo!

Homer: "You're Darryl Strawberry!"
Darryl: "Yes"
Homer: "You Play Right Field"
Darryl: "Yes"
Homer: "I Play Right Field"
Darryl: "…"
Homer "Are you better than me?"
Darryl: I don't know you but, Yes."

I just started watching The Frighteners on my lunch break. Good Film.