
I feel the same way about Christmas ales. They are usually too heavy and too spicey for me to enjoy. I like the lightness of most pumpkin ales and the proper amount of pumpkin spices.

Who's got some Pumpkin Beers to recommend? There's only a few weeks of crisp Fall weather left before it turns depressing so the window of ultimate Pumpkin Beer enjoyment ends soon. I have had Post Road Pumpkin Ale (Decent) Shock top Pumpkin Ale (Good) Unita Brew Punk'N (Good) Blue Moon Pumpkin (Decent) And Smuttynose

I was never actively annoyed by Chris Kattan's character. Which is something I never thought I would say. Credit the creative team for that.

A Liar.

I don't like the faces this guy is making. And his singing his terrible. And also I wish the vinyl in the above picture was bigger, much bigger.

No but seriously, why is Micahel giving the eyes to LaToya? Was Janet busy that day?

Despite being a Cleveland native and comics fan I never particularly liked American Spendor the comic. I think I'm just not a fan of auobiographical/real-life comics. That said, this movie was amazing and Giamatti is so good in it. Everything about it works, from the meta-commentary to the transitions between

Fuck Yeah Garfield! Can I find that special on the internet?

Not really, but you are right. They are nominees for the class of 2014, not this year, so 1989 is right. I still didn't know them and I am still feeling old.
My vote is for Hall & Oates.

Gross. I have never puked after runs/races. Even the 1/2-marathon I did this year. 5K should be easy for you if you are in relatively good shape. Make sure you wear comfortable clothes and shoes.

I just finished reading Pines by Blake Crouch. Some of the protaganists' actions and other things didn't make any sense in regards to the "reveal" at the end. However, the "reveal" was interesting and I am curious to see what the next book in the Wayward series provides. Though I am not going to read that next.

If you don't puke then you haven't really pushed yourself.

Nirvana is one of the nominees for the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame. OK sure, I didn't know them in 1988 (25 years ago, making them eligible this year) but the fact that a band I remember as being "new" is that old? Where does the time go?

I'd rather watch The Shawshank Redemption again.

But Baby Boomers!

This is a fine movie, but I always felt the end of it was a bit off, or anti-climatic. I mean, it makes sense to have it end at the premiere of the movie, but I don't know. It seems too sudden for me.

I tend to not think of X-Men Origins: Wolverine as an X-Men movie. To me there are only the four X-Men movies. The Original (which is actually pretty bad and ridiculous, it just gets props for being the first and not a total crapfest) X2 (Which for whatever reason I didn't like originally, but I like now. I think it

You would think that they would have mentioned that at #12 or something.

I don't want to retroactively say Miller is terrible. I love The Dark Knight Returns. I love Year One. I love Daredevil Born Again. I love most of Sin City. BUT
Any more he is a total hack. Dark Knight Strikes Back is terrible. Holy Terror is terrible.

only if you join that band in heaven.