
This looks llike Van Helsing in a modern day setting.

Seriously, That Praying Mantis Scene sounds bonkers awesome. Nudity is a bonus.

@Dikachu:disqus They must be pissed, that even though their drink was mixed with the poison they still are playing second fiddle to the Kool-Aid brand.

I had a friend do that a few years ago. "It was funny. heheh." Don't forget the chewing gum.

I left my iPod at home this morning so no shuffle for me today. Currently I am listening to a Buzzcocks Peel Session from October 18th, 1978.

I'll be at the Indians game tonight. Playoff Baseball baby!

Wasn't that the joke though? As in, his character knew it was wrong?

I agree. This show already has enough with the full family and Fox's workplace. Why throw in this other character and send her off on basically her own non-related story?

Had me at Michael J Fox

The awesomeness of both Hanks and Fox make that one episode of Family Ties that they are both on the best thing that ever happened in the history of the world.

"To viewers of a certain age or sensibility" means (per Dowd) dumb assholes, or kids, who are dumb assholes.

I love going to grocery stores and saying "excuse me, I have to take a leek" then grab a leek and head to the restroom.

He writes " friddly bong of the hingy fojng " which is clearly Tom Bombadil-speak. He must have read it.

Well, I do hope someone was fired over that blunder.

I'll always call him Faux-by.

That's your complaint?!?

I just heard that about the math system a little while ago. It makes sense in a way. Etymologically, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen and fifteen are weird.

I hope so. I would love to watch it, but I have my money behind SHIELD. If only there was some type of Digital Recording Device to help me out….

While watching bits of "The Goldbergs" I kep thinking about how it was on instead of "Happy Endings" The pain of that show ending is going to stick with me for many years.

My wife and I were watching this show and I remarked to her how they had dialed up the laugh track for it. It was overly obnoxious. I normally don't notice the laugh track as it's just part and parcel of a 3-camera sitcom, but when it's so prominent it is awful.