I'm sorry - what is the difference between "personal story" and "anecdote?" Is this a connotational difference, or do they actually mean different things?
I'm sorry - what is the difference between "personal story" and "anecdote?" Is this a connotational difference, or do they actually mean different things?
John Cleese is hilarious in the Out-of-Towners, a truly godawful movie. "Damn the French."
Somebody take Noel's message and enter it into one of those bible code computers. I bet there's a skip-code first in there somewhere.
Is the trick to stick an extra space in there or something? I don't get it.
"Am I right folks? What an obvious dumbass."
God…fuck Bill O'Reily in his white ass
God dammit to hell. That's the first time I've seen 50 Cent in an interview not coming off like a mongoloid and BillO calls him a…"pinhead?" A pinhead? That's almost a compliment.
Now I'm confused. I logged out and it wouldn't let me post under this name. What the hell's up? Oh, and meddlin, it wasn't Shredder, it was all the damn impostors. I assume Shredder will have to deal with those in time as well.
Son. Of. A. Bitch.
Oh OK I remember now - the tunnels. Thanks guys.
The best fast food breakfast is the McBagel. Sweartagod.
It's the real one. I registered the name.
Legface, I appreciate your concern, but I offer this as my rationale: Prince did it.
This Newswire seems calculated to drive me…insane.
Jason, are we still bitter about The Bunyon debacle? Can't humor publications get along, for goodness sake?
That Scifi Channel doc about The Village was way better than the movie itself.
Reservoir Chase?
I don't remember a reservoir chase in T2. Can somebody refresh me? I'm in college, far away from my DVD collection, which includes T2. Now, time to submit this comment.
The next time
someone complains about this site being hipster-central, I'll direct them to this feature's meager comment count.
How's this for no effort?
I saw a poster for this at the movie theater, and the tagline is something like "You Sensed it. You saw the Signs. Now it's Happening." That's gotta be a nominee for worst tagline ever.
A bizarre parade
of quasi-human grotesqueries. I need to lie down.
Their very souls.