
If you meet some modern Ad people, don't talk to them about their work.  You may end up committing homicide. 
Bonus:  They spend a lot of time in denial about the social necessity/impact of what they do.  It's a professional necessity.

If you meet some modern Ad people, don't talk to them about their work.  You may end up committing homicide. 
Bonus:  They spend a lot of time in denial about the social necessity/impact of what they do.  It's a professional necessity.

I think Tami Hoag wrote a great thriller about a bike messenger.  Too bad movie financiers don't read.  So many great stories out there worth telling.

I think Tami Hoag wrote a great thriller about a bike messenger.  Too bad movie financiers don't read.  So many great stories out there worth telling.

It feels like it would be funnier to me if I watched more bad movies.  But since I go out of my way not to, it just looks and sounds like hyperbolic bad soap opera.  Needs smarter, more tongue in cheek dialogue to pull off what it's trying to pull off.  More direct references to classic scenes.  Very grating at first

It feels like it would be funnier to me if I watched more bad movies.  But since I go out of my way not to, it just looks and sounds like hyperbolic bad soap opera.  Needs smarter, more tongue in cheek dialogue to pull off what it's trying to pull off.  More direct references to classic scenes.  Very grating at first

I would have sworn this was season 3.  Did i dream that first 'Bourne Identity' inspired season?

I would have sworn this was season 3.  Did i dream that first 'Bourne Identity' inspired season?

This is my second time hearing about it, so yes it is a true thing.

This is my second time hearing about it, so yes it is a true thing.

I observered what you did there…

I observered what you did there…

As was pointed out further down thread, those shows are made for people who leave the television running 24 hours a day.  The type who just stare and chew…and stare…and chew…and stare…and chew…

As was pointed out further down thread, those shows are made for people who leave the television running 24 hours a day.  The type who just stare and chew…and stare…and chew…and stare…and chew…

That depends.  In Los Angeles, that's a true statement (reality is whatever the person with the most money says it is).  In Antarctica is isn't (reality is cold, hard and mathematical).  For every place in between it's up to the individual's level of commitment to living as truthfully as they know how.

That depends.  In Los Angeles, that's a true statement (reality is whatever the person with the most money says it is).  In Antarctica is isn't (reality is cold, hard and mathematical).  For every place in between it's up to the individual's level of commitment to living as truthfully as they know how.

I'm only half way through reading this article but already I've notice a repeating point, "…this isn’t all that unusual for a reality series, and
nothing that people who watch these kinds of shows don’t suspect—or even
I disagree with this assumption.  I personally know people who are so incredibly gullible

I'm only half way through reading this article but already I've notice a repeating point, "…this isn’t all that unusual for a reality series, and
nothing that people who watch these kinds of shows don’t suspect—or even
I disagree with this assumption.  I personally know people who are so incredibly gullible