
It was great. Very Luther, but with the obvs differences. Was…okay with the ending but feel like she should have been shamed a bit for crossing so many of the lines we like to crucify cops for doing IRL.

Just now streaming the show, and it's not bad. Not top tier but solid, story, pacing, dialogue and acting. Definitely more mature than it's being characterized by this critic. I think it's michael bay's rep that's the problem here.

I'm reading this halfway through the second episode and you just convinced me to bail . Admittedly I don't appreciate unlikable characters unless there is some hint of eventual redemption or self awareness. I'm not religious, I just know people who will use shows like this to feel better about being assholish.

"adultery plotlines always annoy me for whatever reason."
Especially when it's treated as uneventful as a trip to 7-11.

Surprise!  The world is full of shitty people.

Surprise!  The world is full of shitty people.

A good mood can make even dogshit taste like ice cream.  Congratulations on being happy.

A good mood can make even dogshit taste like ice cream.  Congratulations on being happy.

4 months late, I finally saw this.  Nothing to add to the severely underwhelmed reviews below except to say something I've yet to hear anyone ever say; Mila Kunis can't act.  She's hot, so we ignore it, but really, she's pretty dang terrible at her job.

4 months late, I finally saw this.  Nothing to add to the severely underwhelmed reviews below except to say something I've yet to hear anyone ever say; Mila Kunis can't act.  She's hot, so we ignore it, but really, she's pretty dang terrible at her job.

Re:  Martina Martinez?  Dat Azz!!

Re:  Martina Martinez?  Dat Azz!!

He admits he doesn't write them.  He outlines them, sends them out to be written, then does re-writes before sending them to his publisher.  That's why there're the huge gaps in quality.  I picked up one at a salvation army for a quarter that was so unreadable I asked for a refund (okay, obviously i didn't .  But I

He admits he doesn't write them.  He outlines them, sends them out to be written, then does re-writes before sending them to his publisher.  That's why there're the huge gaps in quality.  I picked up one at a salvation army for a quarter that was so unreadable I asked for a refund (okay, obviously i didn't .  But I

Blam!  "Stop or I'll shoot!"
"Now I'm going to call an ambulance…"
"From the radio…"
"Inside my pa-ta-roll car…"

Blam!  "Stop or I'll shoot!"
"Now I'm going to call an ambulance…"
"From the radio…"
"Inside my pa-ta-roll car…"

Too easy.

Too easy.

MMmm…Linda Fiorentino.  Incredibly sexy as a psychopath.  That movie could not have worked with any other actress of that time period.  Possibly her most perfect role.

MMmm…Linda Fiorentino.  Incredibly sexy as a psychopath.  That movie could not have worked with any other actress of that time period.  Possibly her most perfect role.