Grant G Brown

It was a fun shoot.

Ok, this isn't a spoiler, pure speculation, but we know a couple of things:

I *love* Walking & Talking, and any chance I get I'll try and obnoxiously push my dvd copy on friends. I think it's a great film, on it's own merits, but it's also a perfect example of what you can make with a smallish budget, great script and solid acting. And it all seems so effortless.

I'm not crazy about HD video, but this might soften some of the opinions around here. Read this:
or watch this:
It's a blog entry by a cinematographer hired by Lucas to test out cameras etc. The final effect, from an off-the-shelf camera, is gorgeous.

I think Claire's crazy hair bothers me more than anything. It's such a tired signifier. Got run a Dharma brush through that shit, pronto!

Jeebus this Christian thread just keeps coming back to life.

I've never found a convincing explanation about the time-loop clues and the Island. We've seen literal loops (eg: the 1977 excursion), clues (like Eloise's ouroboros jewellery). I want to know why she *knew* what would there would be a construction accident. Or why the MIB said things will go the way they always

In the interest of objective truth, it has to be stated that jungle Kate has tighter fitting clothes, more freckles and less squinty eyes. She clearly wins.

Penguin's right —it's the proliferation of "events" that's annoying, more that the up and down storytelling or the confusing continuity. How can you call something an "event" if the previous one ended 2 issues ago and the next one starts immediately following the current one? Marvel's been staging one big "event"

For weeks I've had this idea that all the symbolism, mythological and literary references weren't just winks to the undergrads watching, but part of something essential. The island is this sort of meta-narrative, or something, and Lost has to do with characters. Or something. Read some Grant Morrison and tell me it

Oh Sarcasm —your words ring true. It's one of the reasons I keep following season six of the tv show you write (which is so brilliant I completely understand why you write it under an unregistered alias).

If you think of geeks on a spectrum, Starr's character falls way at the end with the anti-social nerds, far from the lovable goofs from F&G. I fucking hated his type back in high school because the scorn they have for everyone isn't just an act.

Ok, I'll bite.

I always think of the island as having some inherent properties. It can heal people (like Rose, Locke, Jin who was infertile). It also can somehow summon dead people from anywhere anytime: Dave, Isabelle, Ben's mother, the weird bloody blonde kid,

@a thoughtful muse, you've got it right. The lack of a name has been nagging everyone, but your answer fits perfectly. The duality of the show, themes of balance, science/faith etc.

I'm avoiding Margot because I intensely hated Squid and the Whale. Hated. I sat through Couple Retreat, understand, but SATW made me angry.

Stop it. All of you. You're fucking killing me.

This is the first Josh Rouse album I'm going to pass on. Although I didn't like where things were heading, Subtitulo still had some good songs on it. I streamed the new one and it offered me nothing. It's like Rouse is trying to be a spanish Michael Buble.

This entire interview
Was translated from the French. In fact he actually said "reason to be" instead of "raison d'etre".

Battlefield: 1943
I really want to get this game, but based on my last experience with DICE & EA, I feel a little burned. In November they pulled server space for 1943 and continued to sell it. They didn't announce what happened and they didn't offer any solutions. Over Christmas people continued to buy the game