Grant G Brown

I second (third?) the props for Walking & Talking. I love that movie —so funny/sad, and I'm pretty sure it was the first time I ever noticed Mr Corrigan in anything.

Seriously, Rabin underplays how awful this movie is. I can only think of a handful of occasions where I've quit 1/2 way through something (Chelsea Walls anyone?). Tiptoes starts off terrible, goes past ironic, past so-bad-it's-good, right back around to terrible. And it never stops being boring the entire time.

Jamesons = delicious. But a little pricey, and definitely too good to water down with ginger ale.

"Gimme a little bit more of them velvet pancakes".

Saw them last night in Toronto. Excellent show!

I love Death Race. It succeeds brilliantly in everything it sets out to do. The action's fun, a little Mad Max inspired, and the pace never lets up. I give it five out of five long plane rides to china!

I'm late to this party, but just to set the record straight: "Ponette" is one of the most disturbingly sad films you'll ever see. The "actress" is a 4 yr old girl, who somehow manages to convey confusion and loss after her mother dies. All of the other actors use their real names, which makes me wonder how

Agreed, although I think I liked the movie more that both of you. Payne's short is the best of the lot. And I was ready to hate it, since I'm not crazy about the way Payne's films laugh at the characters —there's something a little snotty about them.

I've heard from other animators who worked on Iron Giant (and The Incredibles) that Bird is 'difficult'. But in a very driven kind of way. He knows exactly what he wants and you have to be doing it. Which is why I think Pixar's upcoming live-action movie will be a 'more difficult'.

Nobody else has said it, but you can't do a month of animation without discussing The Iron Giant. It was a commercial bomb at the time (much to the disappointment of animators everywhere), but as time passes it's finally acknowledged to be a classic.

I agree with The Walking Dead as ongoing —a movie wouldn't do it justice. But would people watch? That would be a bleak 22 minutes.

(I feel a little shamed by my lonely icon)

not a reboot
This movie isn't a reboot, it's a straight-up remake or update. Reboot (which is a pretty lame descriptor) usually applies to franchises that are broken or sluggish —Bond, Star Trek, Batman, etc.