Grant G Brown

b) They do.

Before seeing Finch's preview, I never imagined finding beach ball sized breasts disappointing. But they are.

Hingle McCringleberry

I can't believe Saga is leaking out of the comics-verse into RL.

I can break it down for you. In any given scene with mature Dren, the compositors removed her little finger from both hands, pushed her eyes apart, and removed her legs below the thigh. The animators made the weird cat-legs, matching the steps with her movement, and also her tail. All the wings stuff is cg,

No love for Rocket Girl in the comments? Maybe because I'm a few weeks late to it.
I picked it up on a whim, mainly because I love Amy Reeder's art, and it didn't disappoint. Kinda cool story, fun and light, and gorgeous art.

You're not the only one —what's the skinny here?

The reason Spotify et al. don't pay more to the artists is surprisingly simple.  You best comparison is between streaming services and radio.  It's essentially the 21st century equivalent.  It won't replace CD sales because those are two completely different methods of distribution.

Seriously.  The man is killing it in this article.

It's been streaming on NPR for the past week and I absolutely love it.  Hands down her best record.  Any criticism of her should begin by acknowledging how incredibly high the bar is set for her —miles above her peers and contemporaries.

Completely agree.  When the cancellation news came in I barely blinked, I was so sure they'd be picked up.

I was thinking about Primer JUST THIS MORNING, wondering what the hell happened to its creators.  Every time someone asks me to recommend a movie, something they've never seen, I suggest Primer.

Think positive!

When I saw the article slug I immediately thought of Red House Painters.  A song like "Drop" is equal parts epic and pure melancholy. "Lost Verses" and "Revelation Big Sur" are also standouts for me.

When I saw the article slug I immediately thought of Red House Painters.  A song like "Drop" is equal parts epic and pure melancholy. "Lost Verses" and "Revelation Big Sur" are also standouts for me.

Am I the only person who finds Esad Ribic's art annoying?  Specifically the BUGGED OUT eyes.  God, it's so distracting and it's in almost every panel.  Regardless of what the character is feeling, their eyes are always registering extreme shock.  They look like muppets.  It bothered me when he did his bried stint on

Am I the only person who finds Esad Ribic's art annoying?  Specifically the BUGGED OUT eyes.  God, it's so distracting and it's in almost every panel.  Regardless of what the character is feeling, their eyes are always registering extreme shock.  They look like muppets.  It bothered me when he did his bried stint on

Unfortunately I'm going to have to agree with you.  Unfortunate because I really don't want to like Millar, and I'm not crazy about a bunch of his writing, but Ultimates 1-2 are fantastic.

Unfortunately I'm going to have to agree with you.  Unfortunate because I really don't want to like Millar, and I'm not crazy about a bunch of his writing, but Ultimates 1-2 are fantastic.

I think Rabin missed the point.  A decade later this is clearly the best-in-genre, and rilly funny.