
My thinking on top is that to represent the vertigo they could have included more spinning from the perspective of the whammied party.

I kind of smelled a rat of that nature in the previous season. But I was always at odds with how the show seemed impressed with the character. For me he was always just a sad, revolting creep, but… I guess they're going to try to peel that onion now.

I'm just kind of disappointed with how they've represented Mirror Master's (and to a much lesser extent, Top's) powers. Did they really need to contrive it so you'd have a sequence of Barry racing against another villain pretty much exactly like how he's been racing against speedsters for two seasons now? Up and down


Well, he's calling the show a Secret Success.

Watched How to Train Your Dragon 2 and while it starts off great, and is worth the watch, I was surprised to find that ultimately the complaints about it were true. They do manage somehow to rethread the original's conflict with some effort, and the same goes with shunting the mother character off to the sidelines

Also that one serial killer who definitely bore no criminal responsability for reasons of insanity until he didn't (so Dexter could kill him.)

Is the he-anchor related to William H. Macy?

Just yesterday I told my dad the series Fleming was going to be on, because for some reason I like to spot television series for my relatives to watch, and while I knew he was going to not be interested, the fact that he didn't just say "a series about the author of popular books doesn't appeal to me" but had to like


I attended an electro ambient performance (of two acts) tonight, so everything else has been sparse so far. I watched Jonathan Strange drink dead mouse juice, and weird turtleneck hate on American Gothic.

I watched the finale of season three of Motel Bates with people who keep commenting that Norma Bates (and only Norma) is crazy, but also seem surprised whenever Norman Bates kills someone.

The Lonely Sheperd - with Kill Bill
I Need a Hero - with Short Circuit 2
Life on Mars? - with Life on Mars
One - with Magnolia

Avalanche by Leonard Cohen - with the Quebec series Les Rescapés. Through a French language cover!

The use of it in the season three finale of Person of Interest, for me.

Back on the Chain Gang - Six Feet Under.

So many I can't think of right now!

The intro makes it seem like it was made to be.

Aw yeah, Desmond's Theme, basically.