
I guess it's not the rarest series ailment. I'm sure that as a UK import, critics are overlooking it a little more with Marcella than they would with another.

Just enjoyed one more Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrrrel and the fairy king's understanding of the principles of monarchic succession.

I can confirm that it is getting better!

"He presents himself as this harmless old codger. But upvote, but upvote…"

Didn't you have the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?

Juelz? Jewels? Jules?

Detective Terney might have been crooked, but he sure wasn't The Dirtiest Cop in New York (I checked)

I just remembered I watched the two first seasons on Showcase, before they stopped bothering.


I think with peggy it's more that they figured out how to make her character type likeable, but then they kept adding character detail. Early on I think she wasn't quite as dumb as later, and so she'd be the voice of reason… if she wasn't busy self-aggrandizing or trying to look like the voice of reason.

Stupid children need the most repetition.

Aw yeah Colony and Underground mentions. In the mentions I would have put in Cato and the fields, though.

You should change it to Charles & Noble.

I haven't seen the remake but, yeah, for me the weird nature of the antagonist was the best feature of the original and the only saving grace of the sequel. So if they ditched that…

Forward time travel like that is kind of the ancestor of contemporary time travel fiction?

I just know that Salem stands out as to the proportion of men, hence how it seems to some like it had some different factors shaping it than the overall witch hunt phenomenon.

Well my understanding the Salem Trials were atypical among even other New England witch hunts with the proportion of men. Otherwise it did tend to be about women.

Ah yeah, Mary Beth Norton's In the Devil's Snare. Well, maybe it's unconvincing as the be-all end-all cause of the Salem Trials but as a contributing, shaping factor I do still like it.

Oh, I didn't even remember that was a possibility.

I like that he's all modest in the section about Elias, about people overestimating what actors do… but by then we already heard how he shaped one of the iconic aspect of Galaxy Quest!