
for someone with kudos amongst punkrock-ish circles to come out with something purely acoustic was really huge and original at the time. i think we should sincerely ask ourselves- are we only ripping on him because he's every girl's wet dream?

good life. the ugly organ. shit yes.

maaaan i'm listening to 'in circles' RIGHT now.
ah, powerful stuff that emo. powerful stuff.

also if you like those up there…
Shots Fired.
Sorry About Tomorrow by Hot Rod Circuit.
Brand New.


saves the day are emo-ish though and you know it. it's not a bad thing. people just hate the term "emo" cus of the stigma it holds. but the bands the writer here named are why i really like the forbidden word. begins with an e ends with a mo.

youre talking about the common emo stereotype that the writer of this article was telling you to avoid by telling you the actually decent bands. way to withold judgment.

owh man…
i love all those bands you mentioned.

ratatouille…..i wanted to like it so much more than i did. i think everyone's avoiding talking about it. there wasn't enough cuteness.

is Thucriki working for pixar? cus that was actually a really good idea.

i've always tried to defend my belief in god…like…i don't believe in hell or anything…just when i was a kid i thought if i kept believing in god it would drive me to be a better, more intelligent and understanding person…..but this makes me wish i was an atheist.

if you re-filmed the entirety of Yes Man with Jim Carrey's part as someone with an english accent (as it was written) you have a decent picture. the jokes make no sense as they are. oh yeah, gays and blojobs and stuff.

the problem with the nuke scene is that it was a joke that wasn;t character-based- like "no ticket." or shooting the show-off sword dude. it didnt say anything about Indy. Like "we named the DOG indiana." so it wasn't human.

pps. he was very polite.

freaks and geeks was a good show.

p.s. i love you.

lol. i'm really worried that there might be similarities between me and a serial killer/child molester now. THANKS for making me feel guilty over NOTHING.

also, i was kind of doing an impression of somebody completely insane. that impression being of myself. fuck you. you could tell because of the "thank you. thank you very much." it seems i'm just too rad for anyone to understand.

p.s. i haven;t actually killed anyone. i just felt so backed into a corner i was willing to be branded a murderer.
