
justin long is so good at playing kind and overlooked in his movies, i can't help but think he may have felt the same way in his life, and it;s why i adore the guy. when he speaks certain sentences in which he's facing some kind of an imposition- his voice can break into this twang of desperation. See (i

p.p.ps i secretly love you status-obsessed harlots too (as long as you don;t have a boyfriend.) i'm sorry for hurting you. we need each other. i just wish we weren't so kept apart by…social standing. by…cultural "subculture" stereotypes. it's a bit like titanic isn;t it? *mwah*

the bonuses for the bank dudes pissed me off though. if it didn;t piss you off i hate you.

*gushes* *speaks like a little five year old* …obama is like batman n the white house…..so many people stupid people hate him when all he's trying to do is save them from themself, rather than saving THEM.

p.s. that doesnt mean you shouldnt try and be batman in a whitehouse, kids. everyone.

m. part of me thinks hipsterism stands for being politically, intellectually, culturally knowledgable and somewhat active whilst not going out of your way to destroy your life for it, because youre comfortable enough and can make a living and have accepted your station in life. hopefully more knowlegable than

when i come back to this comment i'd really like to see what people thought about it after listening to the link.

religious jewish music kicks the ass of christian music though.

youre thinking christians.

@ joseph

ah kinky freidman is so much smarter than me- i can never interpret him properly.

p.p.s i've decided i quite liked pigeonholing myself because to pigeonhole yourself is to place limits on yourself that are immediately apparent, so when i'm completely scatterbrained and have nowhere to turn or nothing to hold on to- i can return to those limits that have been placed within me (and are immediately

p.s. yeah maybe "going out of your way" is a bit much. i just get called a hipster.

(if you y'know. CARE.)

(….and "hip" just means cool. so surely "hipster" just means kids who are cool or kids who are a little esteemed with how cool they are, OR who try to be cool. and we'd all like to be cool. so chill. i've obviously hit a sore spot. plus, subcultures actually tend to stand for feelings within the youth of a certain

Fidel, the people you described dont sound very hip.

and i didnt know beethoven was by hughes. thanks for that. you can see the hughes in it though.

i actually saw beethoven again recently and loved it. try do the same. a simpler, purer time (in a movie.)

zodiac motherfucker's rage isn;t unjustified, but yeah, you've got the wrong john hughes. hughes movies were compassionate. but ferris bueller, though a really fun guy, was kind of an arrogant asshole though. and the movie seemed to not care that he was. and maybe it was cus he was a rich asshole. but like curly

that being said, i'm part asian and dick duck dong pissed me the fuck off.