
david letterman seems like the biggest fucking cock ever.
and so does the entire audience. what if some actor was like……having serious fucking issues cus fame made him see everyone was a cunt……and everyone just fucking laughed.

if this is a mockumentary i am more than intrigued and impressed……it even seems to have even gone past the avclub……

if this is a mockumentary i am more than intrigued and impressed……it even seems to have even gone past the avclub……

to the reviewer who gave Scott Pilgrim a C……did part of you do it because you were afraid of being labelled/afraid of the site being labelled a hipster website?

the movie of

oh no…….
oh no oh no oh no.
i hope he finds what he was looking for in death.

whatever happened to loving crazy, insane, fucked up geniuses- forgiving their flaws, because of what they gave to the world?
you guys are cunts.

ive had a lot of "favorite films" in my life, but ever since i was about 15 and i saw this, ever since that, i have always declaimed it as my favorite movie.
therefore, i hope the avclub doesn't mind if i leave a longish comment.

they might be a little mysoginistic but that doesnt mean the gags didnt make me laugh. i mean i bet TMOI wishes he/she was that funny.

or hell at all.

i want to fucking kill myself.
m. i think God exists. it would be cool if we were created by something that beautiful. but i don't believe in eternal hell.

snarky fucktarded avclub comments are better than alot of things of tv though.

putting aside the fact that i'm a dickhead for a while, i don;t really think motion city soundtrack counts. it's more pop-punk. i associate emo as having this under-produced quality to it- which makes it more i dunno human i guess. it has to sounds like its from the mid-nineties or i think it doesnt count.

now bring the mawfuckin' HATE

when i try to explain what real emo is i actually say "it's more like nirvana than underoath."

in far more important news:


on the subject of great japanese emo-ish bands-

theyre more hardcore than emo, but they draw a helluva lot more emotions out of you than most other emo-ish bands. and they have a lot of melody. even though its heavier.

that being said the last four a;bums are pretty awful.