Marty Funkhouser

As a little yellow bear once said, "How lucky we were to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard."

As a little yellow bear once said, "How lucky we were to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard."

As a little yellow bear once said, "How lucky we were to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard."

I never cared for Dawes.

I never cared for Dawes.

I'm already late for a 1:30 meeting. Staying until 5,000.

I'm already late for a 1:30 meeting. Staying until 5,000.

But they have the meat.

But they have the meat.

But they have the meat.

I just wanted to tell you all good luck … we're all counting on you.

I just wanted to tell you all good luck … we're all counting on you.

I just wanted to tell you all good luck … we're all counting on you.

Definitely the finale episode. So good!

Definitely the finale episode. So good!

"Crash" really did deserve its win over "Brokeback Mountain."

"Crash" really did deserve its win over "Brokeback Mountain."

I bought mine a cherry that had no stone.

I bought mine a cherry that had no stone.

Ahh the good old days of unregistered comments