Marty Funkhouser

Ahh the good old days of unregistered comments

550 more!

550 more!

12,400 upvotes and counting

12,400 upvotes and counting

Sick of it … to the EXTREME!!

Sick of it … to the EXTREME!!

"It's over … go home."

"It's over … go home."

Im getting randomly logged out and in

Im getting randomly logged out and in

1:01 EST.

1:01 EST.

as did Farah when Michael Jackson up and died.

Who was that female writer AV Club had? … Indian descent I think. Everyone loved her and she was not overly controversial in the least.


.. and the Wheel of Time keeps turning.

This is how I want AV Club to go out … a flurry of snark, shit posting and gibberish.

Snapping or Lisa?

Mrs. Funkhouser is nothing more than a figment of my imagination.