Magic Eight-Ball

I'm not really into sports, but essentially, he was saying that you need your point guard, shortstop and half-back flanker to all be working in unison if your quarterback is going to kick goals.

Hey, kids! You know that award-winning 1922 feature-length silent documentary, Nanook of the North, about an Inuit tribesman and his family and their struggle to survive the rigors of existence in the vast frozen wilderness of northern Canada? Well, the title of our animated comedy movie for children references that

What is this shit?

The only exceptions seem to be when he's asked about his British stuff, although I guess that could just be out of recognition that an American readership wouldn't really have seen any of it, so he decided there wasn't much point talking at length about it.

Oh boy!

Indeed, and of course -

Yeah. I'm not here very often nowadays anyway. So, go nuts!

Hmm… I don't remember saying that. Not recently, anyway.

Saw that Winter Soldier movie - not bad, I guess. But then I'm not much of a fan of superhero movies, so it was a bit wasted on me.

Comedically speaking, you were the straight man in that joke, more or less.

Like the Amityville Horror house, only not so evil.

It will be a great day when
the AV Club gets all the money it needs
to review TV shows, and the air force
has to hold a bake sale
to buy a bomber

It means that "apologies are unnecessary in a loving relationship", according to Wikipedia.

If only all firsties, failed or otherwise, could die so nobly as you. RIP

You may rely on it.

I don't remember saying that.

Comment deleted by user.

Yes - in many ways, I think we have.

Hurl me down the track!