Magic Eight-Ball

Yeah, he's typically the focus of attention for a lot of viewers, and rightly so I guess - he's such a happy kid at the start, and then to watch him over the years slowly succumbing to whatever form of mental illness he has/had, is always tough. But ultimately inspiring, as you say.

I heard it was three movies.

Don't you think she looks tired?

Day Of The Triffids isn't really part of the fanboy conversation any more, though, probably because the book itself is actually the best version of the story - none of the subsequent movie/TV serial versions have really done it justice. (The 1970's BBC TV series probably comes closest, but even that version is

It's true that the Go-Betweens' comeback albums were pretty good, all things considered, but I was never quite sure how I felt about a version of the Go-Betweens that didn't include Lindy Morrison (or Amanda Brown, come to that). Still, it's a moot point now.

Given that Munn is spectacularly bad at what she does (on the Daily Show, at least), the only plausible reason she could have been hired is to fill some sort of quota, i.e. to give the lie to the notion that the show doesn't have enough female correspondents. If this is true, my main problem with her is that, instead

It is decidedly so.

Very doubtful.

Well, this entire comments section seems to be beyond hope - is there any precedent for a moderator removing every single comment? If there is, they should.

Except for M, who's played by Carmen Maura.

Man, that Stoz is so stuck up. Also, I wish he'd stop singing in that ridiculous Trinidadian accent.

My reply is no.

As I see it, yes.

Wow, that is extremely not classy, whoever you are.

Cannot predict now.

Ask again later.

Dassin wouldn't have been working in France at all if he hadn't been blacklisted in the US, so if he comes across stylistically as New Wave nowadays, it seems to me it must be mostly coincidence.

Nicole Kidman isn't a corpse, but her acting career sure is.